07 November 2005



thats how im feeling now.. so many unbelivable stuff has happened so recently!

firstly, i cleared my pilot medical and will be going for my Air Grading Course tonight!

Goodness, TONIGHT!?!

it seemed like just yesterday i enlisted, and now im going to try for pilot trainee..

secondly, i drank so much alcohol this few weeks that im surprised my liver still works! last night i had a few rounds of beer with my dad -- again. i ain't sick of it, not when i am enjoying the talking and laughing everytime i drink.. but seriously, i got to cut it down a bit.. for my growing UN on my abs, if not for my liver..

out of touch i may be, but i still can remember how biology taught us about the effects of alcohol on our liver..

thirdly, i just found out that i was quoted on another person's blog! how honoured! i was quoted on one of my description of the Jay Chou's latest album, and that author made my quote looked so damn professional that i won't be surprised if i see it on the newspaper tomorrow..

years and years of giveing speeches, debating, talking crap.. i have heard numerous comments about how i speak.. good comments aside, the bad ones range from, "sound like Donald Duck", "talk like a machine gun", "one times big time cockster", "wayang speaker", "rubbishy".. and my personal favourite out of all the bad comments, "Inspiring -- you inspire people to run away.."

whoa.. and now, im being quoted!?! honoured, really, i am..

fourthly, its unbelivable why no one posted anything on a sunday night.. weird stuff..

last but not least, once again, i have to say this.. November's Chopin is unbelivably good! too wonderful to miss.. like everyone is saying, its worth the money..

i ain't working for Alfa Studio, and ain't working for SonyBMG.. but, seriously, IT IS that good!

good bye everyone..

please take care in Singapore..

if anything happens, tell all the people who i know, that it was nice knowing them.. thanks for everything.. good luck in future..


all that i know minus 2 person..

u all know who.. hahahahaha!

mak is a evil piece of body waste! hahaha..


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