26 November 2006

Measures of a man

Everytime when i book out, the sky will be exceptionally blue, trees are so much greener and the seas are so crystals clear that i can see that sch of fish swimming.

However, freedom only appear in one colour. PINK

Anyway, i will be out soon.

One of the most important i learn is how to be a man.

So what is a man??


After so much physical stuff that we do everyday will make our muscles more define and develop. Maybe that is training to be a man.
But too superficial already leh, some muscular guys also act like sissy.

Maybe admitting to the own faults is being man. Just like the guy who admits farting in front of the officer when he is talking.
But that one is integrity, a value that everyone should have.

Maybe it is about giving abit more to others when everyone is feeling very shag and tired. Just like me helping some slow mole in digging their shellscrape after 5 days outfield.
But it is about being helpful.

I finally came to understand what is the true meaning of man after last week route march.

Everyone was marching with high morale, singing all the way, encouraging each other. Although there may be people dropping out but we were satisfied by our performance.

When everything is over and it is time to wash up, i finally found the answer that i am looking for.

A true man will walk with a limp and his leg very very wide open. Just like a girl i use to like, who walks with her leg really wide open and we used to make fun of her because of that.

Haha, not funny. But nvm, at least i got put some sensical stuff here.
Will blog more when i come back next time


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