13 December 2007

Final Battle Plans

Alright. Looks like we are getting pretty good response! With that overwhelming, majority supportive, response, let's make it happen. The "Wear-A-Kranjian-Thing" project will be on. Confirmed. No doubt. In fact, this piece of garment will be your cover charge / entrance ticket / password to the chalet. If you don't bring anything that has a Kranji logo on it, you shall sponsor more food with your own pocket. Deal.

And let's do a summary of events for those people who are pretty blur on the happenings. Firstly, the chalet is (oh my goodness!) TOMORROW! Please don't forget that the chalet is tomorrow and then turn up next Friday or something. There will be an ADVANCE PARTY going there to check in first, and the party consist of J.Lim, Den, Yin and M.Jay. Our roles are crucial. Between the time of 2pm till when the main bulk of people come, we MUST check in; check that the beds and pillows are sleepable; check that our deck of poker cards are complete; check that whatever entertainment is possible will be possible. Thus, let's all agree to free the advance party from cooking at the BBQ. Deal.

From the look of things, DXO seems to be the venue for Friday night. That will probably last us till morning, and we will probably get wasted till like noon. Hope Yin has got the food up and ready. She has volunteered to marinate the BBQ stuff at her place, another reason why she should not cook at the BBQ, and I think the order has been placed for the rest of the food. J.Lim is bringing some vodka, I am bringing (the hated) Chivas. We also need... Oh boy, this summary is not a summary anymore. Alright, lets sum this up for real:

1. Club Attire. Remember shoes!
2. Your WRAPPED present for the gift exchange.
3. Alcohol, for those who have.
4. Money, for we will try to solve the accounts there and then. Don't drag till next Xmas.
5. Your Kranjian-Thing. Preferably something that will make an impact on camera. Which means that a collar pin the size of my thumbnail will be rejected.
6. Bring whatever damn thing you think can be entertaining. Balls, cards, whips and handcuffs..

Call the advance party if you have any quries:
For information on timing and facilities, please press "Jonathan"
For information on food and beverages, please press "Shiyin"
For information on gift exchange and miscellanous entertainment, please press "Mak"
For information on the babes going and any other things, please press "Den"


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