31 July 2005
Sorry, couldn't make it for movie today. Had some CCA fair thingy in school. Today is the official day whereby we move to the city campus so they made it into a CCA fair thingy. The underground has no reception. Damn irritating.
Hey peepz! Visit my city campus man! Its so cool. Haha!
Thanks lun for organising a chalet. I'm on for it. =)) Can't wait. Hehe.
I'm getting a little high now. Just finished a packet of M&M when I said I must tone down cos I ate too much yesterday and I was restriccting what I eat cos my throat isn't feeling too good. Its a whole lot of contradiction. Haha! And I think the chocolates are making me kind of high now. Hahaha!
Ok, time to tone down cos its lights out time soon.
I really miss u all ah!
Holy crap..
I miss Megaa too.. hahaha.. haiiiizzz.. but hope he understands that its not in my control now.. Now what I can do is to pray for a long weekend during the National Day break, then I will definitely go visit him. Gosh.. I wonder how is he now? Hows his Chinese coming along? You got time should go help him out abit hor.. At least help him with spelling.. And the last I saw how he ate his food, he should be heavier by 20kg now, is he? hahaha.. oh yar, and i called you today, wanna ask u go watch movie with us, but too bad, you din pick up your hp.. suck thumb... hahaha...
i feel very cheerful today.. dun know why.. should be weird coz, book in day usually suppose to be very sad and depressing one.. coz, my dog will ususlly give me that look witht the longing eyes.. then it will just sit flat at the doorway, ears droopy down, purposely dun wanna look at me... make me feel damn guilty and dun wanna book in one.. haiiizz.. maybe later i will feel that way when i leave home lar, but now, im just super excited about "Stealth".. hahaha.. hope its gonna be a good movie! Woo hoo...
Yin! You are back! I miss you. Wanted to ask you if you wanna go mambo on wed. Haha. I was there and it was super fun. But I just ended sports camp that day so it was super tiring as well. Hee.. Any prez for us? keke.
Oh btw, I met JingYing at Zouk that day. FOr those who know her, she's going FASS, just in case you all wanna know. Probably chay would want to know la, she still look the same. Not much changes.
My guess for XXXXX is chay. haha.
Mak, Megaa misses you. His mum told me that whenever he see someone in No.4, he will walk up to that person and look at him and see if its you. Its crazy man. Try to find some time to go see him la.
Rong, thanks for helping me find tutor and really thanks for listening to me that night. I really really dying to tell someone la. And hee.. about yesterday. It was ok. Update u more. As for the rest who are wondering what the shit am I talking about, hah! Will tell you all when I have the chance and provided I want to lah. Haha.
Yu, where have you been missing to? Are u ok?
I went to re-read some of our very early early posts here and I saw all the testi.s some of u wrote. And I suddenly had the idea to write someone I don't like or can't stand about each of you instead of something nice like what has been written? How about that?? Haha. But I feel that I will touch on sensitive issues on sensitive people. If you all are onz about it and wanna know what Peggen don't like about you all, I will go ahead with it lah. Hee. But that would mean that I will have to start thinking le. NOt everyone I can say something off hand. But I'm just afraid that you all will bear it in your heart and it becomes something which will distant us. Give me you suggestions. Hee..
Gtg. Cya soon.
30 July 2005
Well, but unfortunately, not from overseas but from a super crazy place call OCS.. First of all, I apologise for not having an entry for so long.. Thats because these few weeks had been quite crazy and hectic in OCS.. I couldn't find the time and energy to blog or post in camp. Then when I get home, I will be too sleepy to do anything at all. Take today for example, I reached home at about 1300hrs, took a bath, sat at the sofa and help my dog "Zua Yang" until be both fell asleep, hugging each other.. When I woke up, she was already up, but she never moved away at all! She just sat there and look at me sleep, don't know for how long ar.. Whoa.. I just felt damn touched ar.. Dogs are simply Man's bestest greatest friend in this world.
Hm.. I don't know if you guys will be interested to hear about my training programme in OCS, so I decided to just write some of the highlights.. Coz if I don't, I have nothing to say liao.. Just imagine, Monday to Friday all I see is my uniform, lecture screens, the tarmac road (when doing push-ups) and the forest (during fieldcamps and Route March)... What kind of intersting stories can I share? The guys are all doing the same thing as me, and the girls would be bored to death..
Today we did a 12km route march.. extremely fast paced, resulting in everyone feeling super tired.. We completed in 2hrs 30mins, meaning to say we were walking at a speed of around 5km/h, with our Full Battle Order (for those who don't know, that means the big green bag, the green webbing, helmet and your rifle).. Woo.. super got sense of acheivement.. Then after the march, everybody's muscle ached like mad..
Then here in OCS, we also learned a few Circuit Trainings that will guarantee loss of weight and muscle build-up.. Next time maybe I can teach you all ar.. See how you all die.. hahaha! then there was the 5km and 7km endurance run also.. Endurance run means that the 7km is not on flat ground or stadium, but on a, what we call, "Roller-coaster" Road.. For the guys not in Army yet, go train up in this, coz its really not easy.. Not even when I dare say running is my forte..
I also realised that in the Air Force, as an officer, you don't just use muscles like the Infantry people.. We are under alot of mental stress and pressure also.. We have to fight to stay awake in lectures, then study to pass exams and do projects, write reports etc... My Exam 1 just over and thankfully I got above 70% and passed. The failures get confined, meaning that should still be in camp now.. Its not easy huh, when your body is aching, your eyelids are falling, and you still have to read up..
Alright, enough about the SAF.. Hm.. I went to watch "The Island" liao.. It was pretty okay lah.. Some typical plot about clones and how they broke free from the laboratories. I would give it about 6/10. Hm, as an officer and an Air Force personnel, I will be going to watch "Mindhunters" and "Stealth" tomorrow.. Any body seen them before? Wanna give me some feedback before I suay suay throw $9 in? haha..
Oh and by the way, you remember the 14 year old girl I told you all about? The one from Kranji? Hm.. Once again, its a case of it over before it even started. Once again, its a case of the girl doing some stupid stunts to reject me again.. hahaha.. but this time its werider lah.. its not reject (coz i didn't ask her), so I think its just like air turbulence in planes... But F it, Im going airborne man, no way you ask me to stay and tahan this kind of shit.. Suddenly suddenly say not compatible, ask me to give me up and stop bugging her, half an hour later ask me if I still like her and will I chase her again.. Hey, somebody go do an analysis for me and give me an explaination.. hahaha.. told you its a piece of complicating weird shit..
Now, Im a bit worried.. I seem to have no interest in relationships anymore.. haha.. Am I turning gay? Oh.. damn it. Haha.. coz there is this Thai Army Captain in OCS now, serving his overseas attachment in Singapore.. He told us how alot of the guys in the Thai Army lost their girlfriends in the Army, and how they all turn gay (to their army buddies) and start making strange moaning noises in the middle of the night in the bunks.. EEEeeeww.. totally gruesome and disgusting!
Hey people, try to meet up sometime k? haha.. but let me first state, don't ask me go window shopping or do some bo-liao shit in town.. I rather walk in the forest of Mandai than among the tonnes of people at Orchard.. Organise some lunch buffet or movie or drinking session maybe.. Hm, I think I wun go for night programmes also.. My body has been programmed to wake up early liao, and if I sleep at 4am after clubbing, shit, I will just wake up and stare at the ceiling at 5am.. So please don't torture me that way.. I suggest that Sushi buffet at Toa Payoh (Peg remember or not?) That time Megaa went, so I din really eat till very shuang.. I wan my revenge on the Sushis.. hahaha...
Regards to all,
PS: Chay, Jun Yuan sends his regards, and boy, he told me about some of the shit you did in CI Course.. haha..
Yin back from HK!
Anyway, i've summarised all my 4 days there in ma blog. If u're interested, u may click on my blog link! *winks*
Where has everyone gone to? After 4 days, i tout i'll see many entries... but...only peg's one. Haha. What r u guys busy with? I miss u people too... so let's meet up soon!
Hao ba... gtg 1st. =)
Love, YIN...
Crazy things that XXXXX did
I received a phone call from my classmates to see the preview of 七剑 at westmall. Was wondering whether to go or not cause the movie starts at 2335 and will definitely end around 2. I only have 10 dollars left till the end of the month, enough just to pay for the movie and will not be able to take a cab home after that. So how poor XXXXX going to solve the problem??
I took out my rusty skate scooter and put it inside my badminton bag. :)
Fits just nice.
The show was good, but it could be better. Story above average, action scene good but not as clear as Crounching Tiger Hidden Dragon. 7.5/10
So after the show, my friend ask me "eh want to share cab?"
"No, i got my own mode of transport" Happily pointing to my badminton bag.
I assemble the scooter and scoot away from westmall taking the 985 bus route.
Crazy ar, skate scooting at 2 am in the morning. Everytime a car drive or a bike zoom past me, they will turn their head and look at me. Ultimately AA (attract attention)
Cant blame them also, how often do you see a half grown up man riding a skate scooter in the middle of the night.
Took 30 mins before i finally reach home.
Lucky i survive the trip and still have the energy to blog.
Can anyone guess who is xxxxx?
Know this is entry abit lame but 谁来关我!
28 July 2005
where are u?
1. My hotmail
2. My work mail
3. This blog
4. My blog.
And you know what? I seem to always come here with great anticipation. The kind of wondering what will I get to read before I scroll down when I see that dog appear. But I always get disappointment. All I see was my previous entry.
Hey peepz, I don't know whats wrong with me lah. I don't seem to have even enough time for myself to rest. And yet you know what? I miss you all alot. You think I'm crazy? I think I am lah. hah!
Needless to say, I have made new friends from my 2 camps. They are fun. Fun people. But that's basically all. They are only people I can have fun with and bitch about common enemies. Thats how we bond. But there's just something missing. Some element lacking.
The bottom line is: I miss you all and still love you all and your company and LETS MEET UP SOON!
Lets meet up this saturday, shall we? I don't know do what but I just want to meet up. Even just to meet up to eat Mac I also don't mind. Hah!
I miss you all lah, seriously.
Anyone knows when will Yin be back? I didn't know when she left too. Msged her last night but she didn't reply so I guessed that she's in HK already.
oh btw, I tried G-max, the reverse bungy thing at clark quay. It was damn fun but scary lah. Not for the faint hearted. But its definitely worth a try if you are garang enough. Hehe.
24 July 2005
I was in Bangkok with Steph, Yenfang and Yenchew(fang's sister) from 14(thurs)-19(tues) July.
20(wed)-22(fri): I had my SMU orientation camp. It was compulsory.
This weekend is for me to make up for my lost sleep during the bangkok trip and the camp and to do my laundry and coming monday, I have another 3D2N camp. That will be the sports camp I signed up for.
I really wanna apologise to Yin for not being able to spend some time with you. I know you needed us. I'm really sorry about that. I really wished I had the time and energy to go Halo bar with you. I understand how it feels to not have someone to understand you and needing someone to talk to. The last time I was feeling this shit, girl, you was there for me and with me. You truly understood how I felt, which was a great booster for me. I feel lousy when you needed the same booster now and I can't be there. I'm sorry girl. I'm really sorry.
Yu, sorry, can't support you although I really want to watch you dance. Hope everything went on fine. If it didn't, I'm sure you tried your best, so no regrets.
Lun, I trust you and your friend with the tutorial. I got no time to meet him beforehand but just go ahead with it. Should be alright cos I trust your taste lah. Anything, just sms me.
I promise to try to attend outings you all organise and help out if I can. But I am really not able to organise any. Please try to organise k? I miss you all so much.
That's all for now. I need to start packing for my sports camp le. Take care peepz and hope to see everyone real soon.

Hello!!! Will be posting my shanghai pics a pic a day. Since no pic is
uploaded since long long ago, i shall fully utilise it unless someone
This is one of the tallest building in shanghai. Jinmao ( golden trade
or something like that) Very very tall. Took the photo in the taxi on
the second last day of my trip. Awe-inspiring hor. Pai seh
camera not good, if not can take very good pic. Was wondering how long
will i need to travel to visit such landmarks, but found out that it is
only a stone throw away :)
20 July 2005
hey hey... im here again
guess wad im doin?
watching tv...
watchin anime..
den.. slacking.. training my flexibility..
lol.. fret not fret not, its just mcqs..
though jus mcqs, but.. have to study la.. HAVEN START YET>. lol... no motivation manz~
aniwaes.. hows everyone?!
muihwee ar.. so long nv heard from u!!! at least tag ar.. lol.. miss u!!! hope u doin wel..
delon.. hows school? quite a while nv see u as wel.. haha, stil as studious bah? jia you ar!!
chay.. yr nick.. always sound so lonely n wants someone to care for u.. yr frens are here k.. haha..
lun.. erm.. nutin much to say to u.. cos.. u're normal to mi!! lol.. i tink.. among us all.. i feel la, u dint reali change.. EXCEPT GO INTO NS DEN KEEP SCOLDING VULGARITIES LE.. lol..
mak.. u!!! hows ocs going!! lol.. keep training hard ar.. but.. do take a break when u can!
den... mr commando in action.. sia la.. next time, must go joggin with u le.. cos napfa test coming.. i tink u can motivate mi run faster bah! lol..
jian, yo shortie diver!! LOL.. spend time with gf n family.. but yr old frens here also hor..
peg! shld be enjoying herself in hk bah.. so gooooooood, can go shoppin.. wah lao..envy to the max!!
yin.. goin hk soon also rite>? hehe must pass u money to help mi buy alcohol le! must yo!
rong~ u.. shld be busy working n goin to church.. continue growing in the Lord but.. must find time for frens also k.. one week dun work so many days wun die de.. MUST NOE HOW TO REQUEST TO MANAGER.. n make time for yrself as well.. esp quiet time to reflect and everything.. n pls, dun forget to intro that CUTIE from yr workplace to mi!! wahahahaha.
n guys.. gentle reminder.. MY COMPETITION"S THIS SAT, AT YOUTH PARK AT 530PM!!!
really wld love it if u guys can pop by to support.. n my team.. wil be the first to go on stage!! so dun be late if u plan to come.. PLEASE>... i need support ar...
jus come n see mi dance.. cheer for mi too k!! heee
i miss all of u~
19 July 2005
where is everyone???
Seems that there is not much interesting going on.
Maybe i shall talk about fashion and latest trend. Interesting right, mr boring talking about fashion.
Ever read about the retro fever that is hitting everyone in the world. Had a casual conversation with miss peg regarding the retro fever and she came to a conclusion that the designer is being plain lazy or brain dead to design new stuff and still get paid "peanuts" (not the peanuts we used to know :) )
Of course that is a optimistic view of how the situation.
BUT do you know there is actually a very pessimitic view regarding the trend.
The retro is back because the present now is actually not as pleasant as what we think it will be in the past.
Have you ever watch short clips on how the people in the 1930s and 1940s view the world in the 2000s? I bet you all haven seen it, cause it is on discovery channel and only mr nothing-better-to-do will watch this kind of stuff.
The short film i think is "metropolis" ( not that anime with the same name). It is about the people of the past predicting the future. Vision of tall skyscrapper, flying cars with minimum traffic jams and robots replacing humans in doing unglamourous choirs have became part of the world. Clean city, high tech apartments and a perfect world. A real Utopia
So what we have now. Expensive cars that is upgraded to auto gear recently, petty crimes still happen occassionaly and rubbish is still everywhere in the street. The most interesting gadgets that we have is of course AIBO (electronic dog) by sony which i always recommand to Alex when he tell me he wants to rear this dog and that dog.
The world is not as good as it seems to be. When we look back in the history in the starting of this century, when is the period of time where everyone seems to be happy? First half already out cause it is filled with 2 bloody world wars. Next 2 decades also out cause of post war problems and everyone is making babies to replace population (hee hee, most happiest time in fact for some people.) Then come 70s and 80s, we started to stabalise and began to party our life away. It is the time of hippies and yuppies and everything seems to be so promising.
Therefore in order to let the people of the present now to escape from the grim reality, they look back to that era and brought back all the antique stuff. Glasses with huge and thick frames, old looking belts and accessories were a hit now. Just go to any teenagers hang out shopping center and you can see it for yourself.
SO OUTDATED, but they still like it. Strange
Next time you go out and see those retro stuff, you know it is not as simple as you think it is.
Talking about the future.
As a sci and tech student, we were sometimes given "motivational" talk by the lecturers to inspire us to work hard ( JC also got right? But who cares, we are adults already we are responsible for things we do) . So after all that talk, some cockster will just ask "sir, so next time where will we work"
The reply this time round was " think global"
How to interpret this kind of reply?
I think you all should know, not as promising as last time. Who would ask this kind of qns back in the 80s and early 90s.
Even the lecturers also feel the pinch. He said his pay is half of what he is earning 10, 20 years back. But he is still rich anyway, living near delon and everyday got nice car to drive to school.
Sad, even as student, we can feel the real world coming closer and closer to us.
Miss the days back in the pri and sec sch.
Before i go, can anyone teach me how to put pic? I want to put something more light-hearted leh. The pics from shanghai i uploaded already but duno how to put here. Can i put chinese characters here? Is everyone com equipped to handle it?
Maybe this entry abit of boringness, hope i dun find a GF who is as boring as me :)
18 July 2005
No one!
Chay & yu are the next frequent bloggers... but ni men zai na li?
The rest... haix. Needless to say, only noe how to TAG, someone like jian dun even come i guess! Muahahahhahaahhaahaaaaaaaa.
Anyway, how's everyone? I'm gng HK for my educational field trip soon lo! YEAH~ Well, I shall buy prez for those who blog more often frm now on! Waha!
My 1st paper, which is on today, is over! 3 more to go! After tat, gotta work & HK HK HK! Hee. How i wish time can pass faster... with me & those frm poly graduated, the guys' army life ended (provided u din sign on), frm uni graduated, & those frm whatever graduated, it'll mean FUN! But by then, all of us will be ard 22? Some might get married le... hmmm... & some attached... hmmm meaning must wait again. Maybe wait for all to get married & all shall gather out & have fun! Husbands & Wives World! Wo0h0o~
Alright i juz realised tat i'd been bullshitting alot... maybe.. could be.. might be.. due to some.. a little.. or quite alot.. of.. stress. So please juz ignore me.
Brb. *winks*
Love, YIN...
14 July 2005
Hey, I'm going to the airport in less than an hour's time. I'm here to say Good bye. Just in case I don't make it back, don't feel sad k? Wahaha. *choy!* If some of you misses me and are dying to see me, oh well, wait till I'm back then. Hehe. I'll be back on Tuesday morning. This time I wouldn't promise presents cos I've got shopping lists from a few people. But if I come across things which will remind me of anyone of you, I will get it lah. Hehe.
Some of you may have read my blog about me feeling super pissed with my dad aka boss a few days ago, actually Peggen is very kou ying xin luan. Haha. I am actually quite worried about certain things. And of course some of the things I am worried about are:
1. Lun, you better don't last minute cannot go for tutorials. If not I really cannot help you this time. Or should I say, all 3 of us cannot help you this time. Hehe.
2. Rong, remember your tuition. I qian jiao dai wan jiao dai Gina already. Hope everything goes smoothly.
The rest tell you all also no use.
k lah, I just wanna say: DON"T MISS ME K? Although I know you all will. Haha. Have fun if you all meeting up this weekend. Cya when I'm back.
13 July 2005
Btw, is Peg the aunt annoymous? Haha... sounds so OLD.
How's everyone? Update update your condition okie?
About me... I'm studying EVERYDAY now... so boring, boring & boring! Tests will only end 21st! Wish me luck people! Hmmm besides studying, I'm also having quite a great time accumulating FATS. Wow sounds great right... *blink blink* GREAT ur head!!! Omg anyone has receipe to save me? HAHA.
Hmmm it has been a long time since i come up with RIDDLES! Well, i forgot which number riddle is the following one le... but itz alright.. just one riddle:
Owner of a pet store
I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one canary per cage, I have one
bird too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too
How many cages and canaries do I have?
Love, YIN...
To lost guy
Many at times you don't see suitable candidates for a very basic reason. You are simply too blinded by whom you thought is the "best". Once you decide to OPEN your eyes, open your HEART to be willing to accept someone else, you will realise that "hey, this is good. That is hot. Pretty girls are everywhere." All you have to do is to embark on the first step: to OPEN your HEART. To be willing to let someone else replace the "best" person in your heart right now.
If you are holding on to a handful of sunflowers, you would have no more ability and "space" in your hand to pick up a stalk of rose, no matter how beautiful that rose can be.
This message goes out to everyone who is experiencing the same situation as Lost Guy. If you are not willing to let go, then you will not able to embrace the future. If you really don't want to let go of your handful of sunflowers, then don't ask people why you are still untaken and single. You have to understand that perhaps you are not the "sun" the sunflower needs.
BUT please don't misunderstand that I'm saying that if you let go, you will immediately to taken and attached. You still need to find the right one at the right moment. Even if its the right one, but the timing is not right, the flowers will not bloom too. Take your time. You are still young. =)
All the best to you, Lost Guy.
Aunt Anonymous.
12 July 2005
Dear Aunt agony
I am a sec 4 student taking O lvl this year. I like this girl from my school for quite some time and i think she knows that. The problem is, she rejected me and doesnt talk to me anymore. I really like her, pls tell me what to do. Thanks.
Lost guy
I heard this story from one of the radio channel last week. Cases of this kind of sec sch kids happen all around us. Quite sad hor. Maybe it is just a growing up ritual to be rejected. ( I am so matured, haha...)
Dear Lost guy:
Do not be despair. At this age you should be studying hard for your O lvl instead of being distracted by girls. After your O lvl, i believe that you will be in either a JC or polytechnic. There will be plenty of pretty girls out there, so just look forward to the future. You will be suprise to know what is in store for you.
Aunt agony
Yayaya, when did poly have so many girls to choose. Even if they are pretty, most of it is just make up and do abit more dressing up. I have personally seen girls putting on make up as thick as whip cream on the face, just to cover up their flaws. ( no offence girls, just an observation)
But of course, my life isnt revolve around only girls, still got my PC, PS2 and not forgetting some of you.
Tons of test within this 2 weeks, will be completing my ubin story as soon as i finish my test. Although it isnt interesting, but still have to complete what i have started.
I'm kind of emotinal, pissed and what-have-you.
I'm going shopping later to vent my anger. Anyone interested to join me?
I'm pissed pissed pissed. Freaking pissed.
Hey.. please update. Please blog something for me to read, ok?
07 July 2005
Sat outing!
How abt jian n mak? So for now, itz me, peg, rong, chay, lun only rte?
Anyway, who cfming e time to meet n where? Or i cfm? Meet 4 at cck bus 190 there. See you guys!
Love, YIN...
RE: Saturday 9 July 2005
Option 1:
Chilling at Bojangles. Guess I don't have go into the details. Just the same as last time. Drink, chat, eat if you want. Probably for those who can make it, we can go for a movie before that. I'm keen to watch "War of the World" and "A lot like Love". Any takers?
Option 2:
Midnight K at party world or K box. For this, I need ShiYin's help. Cos she is more familiar with KTV. We can drink and sing til 3 am. And if you all don't want to cab home, we can loiter and hang out while we wait for the first train. Yin, can you provide us with the details? Which one better?
People, I really need you fullest cooperation by responding. Even if you can't make it, say so k? As of now, I know that Mui and Yu can't make it. Rong may join us after service. So the rest please respond ok? Please tell me which option you all prefer.
As for me, I prefer Option 2 cos those people who don't really wanna drink can join also. And I think we always have a lot of fun K-ing. It will be "healthier" than pubbing also. Hah! So my vote goes to option 2!
Another thing: Happy birthday ALEX! Haha. I still find it very funny. Hahaha!
Ok, please respond soon k?
06 July 2005
RE: Saturday
As of now,
Jian is on (he confirm last week)
Chay is on if he is well
Peg is on too! =)
Rong said she will try to go for alternative service, confirm le mah?
Yin on mah?
Yu ok as long as don't stay overnight right?
Mui leh?
Lun leh? The last time I heard from you was "should be OK". can confirm?
I think Jian called Den also. U going?
And Mak.
K, Mak called me last evening. He said that he will on duty on Friday night so supposed to book out on Friday but now can only come out on Saturday. So he is not really keen is going Ubin cos he want to spend some time at home making his parents and dog sit down and let him stare at them. And he will only reach home in the late morning but we are meeting at 11. Actually he called to ask me to organize a drinking session. He needs alcohol badly after 3 weeks in prison. That hopeless addict! So, what I suggest is that, if the Ubin trip is still on, we will meet him after we come back from Ubin. Wouldn't be going Bojangles cos we will all be sloppily dressed. Unless you all don't mind bringing something to change. And Bojangles don't really need you to dress like you going for clubbing. Just something instead of shorts can le. We girls can probably bring a skirt which wouldn't be too heavy. And for the guys, I guess the only thing is jeans. Or if you think its very mah fan, then we can opt for somewhere which has no dress code. Just shorts and slippers. Like coffee shop? Haha. Find a 24 hr coffee shop, we can sit, chit chat, eat etc. Or just buy from a 7-11 but will have nowhere to go. Can you all please give me your valued feedback. Cos today is already Wednesday le. Chop chop k?
Ok, another thing is that, some of you may have received a weird message from Mak a few days ago. Can't remember when was that. He wanted me to help him explain that he was very depressed by some posting thingy. Exact details, let him tell you all himself lah. Cos I also can't really hear him yesterday cos there were kids running about and I had to stop him halfway cos my mum was trying to match-make me. -_-" Hah! Ok, so just to let you all know that Mak Jia Yuan is still well and fine, alive and kicking. And he is depressed no more cos everything is fine le. That I will let him tell you all also. If not he will have the excuse not to blog. Muahaha! (And also cos I cant hear clearly lah. Just roughly get the picture only. So my story may be abit twisted.)
OK, lets settle the Sat thingy fast ok? Thanks.
04 July 2005
Details regarding this sat outing
Title: Ubin Trip 2005
- Allow everyone to meet up
- Appreciate nature
Duration: 11 - ???? ( but will be at evening/nite)
Location: Pulau Ubin ( Meet at CCK control station at 11 am)
Description of activities:
1) Cycling
You will be guided thru the last kampung area of Sg. Old attap houses, colonial period house with eastern european design and not forgetting chek jawa. Many many more places we miss out last year will be shown to you by our guide.
2) Picnic
We will lay our ground sheet at one of the beach. Eating and listening to radio while we catch up with one another. We will get our food from tampiness before going to down to changi jetty. Tons and tons of selection, from western potato chips all the way to japanese tidbits. Provided got $$$
3) Meal
For dinner, we can choose either to eat at ubin restaurant or back to changi village.
Safety precaution:
-Wear something sensible
-Bring your own medication (for those who have whatever medical problems)
-Comfortable footwear that will last ( shoes/sandals, no slippers)
Wet weather programme:
Will be decided on that day.
Logistics needed:
-Bag pack ( you will not want to cycle with a sling bag)
-Enough water (1.5 L)
-Anything that can repel mosquito
-Extra clothes
-Enough money ( also to settle the accounts for the presents of birthday boys and girls for June and July ) ($4 for both boat trips and $8 dollars for bicycle)
-We will be meeting up at 1100 at cck control station.
-For those people who have the habit of waking up the same time as the meeting time, pls prepare extra alarm clock.
-After meeting we will make our way to Tampiness
-Around 1+ , 2 we will be arriving at the changi jetty.
-By 1430 we should be able to reach Ubin.
-Settle with the bicycles and other stuff. Begin our cycle trip.
-By 1630 we should be able to reach one of the beach and begin our picnic.
-See if the bicycle shops close at the early evening.
-- Yes -> Night cycling around the pitch dark island with just our torchlight.
-- No -> Night hiking.
Maybe we will settle our meals there before back to mainland.
Pls give suggestions to how it can be improve. It is just a guide and we may not follow strictly
03 July 2005
pEg's back!
OK, nothing much about me. Just busy busy busy. Wake up at 6, go to Kranji. Teach some nice people and some not-so-nice people. Cannot say all not nice lah. At least XuanChong very nice, hor? Haha. Then after school at 2 plus rush down to hostel. Work. So many things to do. And I was PMS-ing, my grandpa mood not good cos he very busy. So we had quite a few unhappy incidents here and there. But we forget about it after that one lah. Then in the evening at 255 hostel mingle with the students or teach tuition, then suddenly all come back from holiday tell me they want tuition. Damn it man, now is the worse time to look for tutors cos those starting school ones wouldn't want to take anymore. Then reach home have to prepare lessons for the next day. Then go to sleep. I whole week never watch TV. And almost forget how my sofa feels like le. Damn shag! That was my hell week.
Ms Sim just msg me to ask me if I'm free next week. Another teacher injured. What's wrong with them man? Haha. But I rejected her offer lah. Hah. I really can't take it anymore. Plus tmr my dad not around, I have to be in the office. And tuesday my uncle's wedding. So haiz, although I really like going back to Kranji to teach, but I had to say 'No' to her. If not, I'll be having another Hell week. Geesh.
Chay! Thanks for carrying my shopping barangs home for me. Thanks thanks. Hee.
Rong, sorry for being so excited about school starting. It took me quite a while to realise that I shouldn't have said all those. Dui bu qi. I am keeping a look out for you. If you want right, you can come and take over my job. I'm serious. Think about it. I really want to quit.
Yeah, and talking about that, I really want to quit. But I don't know how to. Its different when its a family business. You can't just "shuo zou jiu zou". Haiz...
Next thing: Pulau Ubin trip next saturday (9th July)
Its on ok? Please make yourself available. Details will be provided by chay. Just keep yourself free the whole saturday. Try not to come late or go off early. K?
Last but not least, Happy belated birthday, Delon. You gave me the permission to forget your birthday. Sorry, I really did. Hee. Until they mentioned yesterday. Hope you enjoy yourself though! Haha.
Alright, hope to hear from you all soon.