01 June 2005



Today I got off-day from camp, haha.. because i have to go to Tan Tock Seng for a body check-up! Thats why I can post a message here at this time of the day! And the weather now is very shuang, rainy and cloudy.. best for sleeping ar! Haiyah, now im feeling very guilty, people NS i also NS, but why is my NS so slack now?? haha..

Shiyin, i must say your riddle getting a bit sub-standard liao.. haha.. really not very challenging le, unlike the first few you asked.. haha.. go and research for tougher questions lah.. well, i guess the answer to the bus riddle is that, there isn't A SINGLE PERSON, because there is A BUSLOAD OF PEOPLE left in the bus.. right? its just the playing of words and the phrasing of the question... haha..

haiyah, crazy lah chay.. blog where got politically correct or wrong one? haha.. as long as you dun slander anybody, especially the A*Star Research Company's director, you should be okay lah.. even if you do, do it intelligently such that it kills without even drawing out your gun.. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the highest level of writing..

haha.. good, we will be counting on you to give us more information and perhaps we can try to organise the outing.. i doubt that everyone will wanna go also, since theres not much reply from the group yet.. but i dun care. even if its just chay and me, i will still go.. hahaha!

and chay is right about the moth and bugs appearing now! nature is such a wonderful thing that it is so complicated yet beautiful.. in fact, chay is only half right about the mating season occuring now for the world of insects..

DO YOU KNOW THAT actually, the mating season of most bugs, which is about the period of May to July, is actually a conincidental by-product? It is.. If you take a look at the garden and parks, you will find that many trees and plants are actually at full bloom now, meaning pretty flowers are almost everywhere! It is due to this fact - the prescence of nectar in the flowers, that insects like butterflies, moths, bees etc. are able to find more food and provides them the chance of reproduction.

Without the blooming of the flowers, insects will not come in mass like this. However, like how nature is always inter-related in the ecosystem, without the insects the plants cannot flower also. This is related to plants reproduction, where insects are required to carry the pollen (the male reproductive organ of a plant), to the stigma (female reproductive organ of a plant) as they flutter along..

And so now you know, why the period of May to July, where insects flood the neighbourhood, is also the "season" for many fruit trees.. u need to flower, before you can have fruits mah.. Kai Hua Jie Guo.. So, rambutan, guava, durian, chiku and most tropical fruit trees, including Chay's favourite Mango, are "in sesason" between the period of May to July! haha.. Now, before Chay rushes off to wear his shoes in a hurry to go pluck some mango from Choa Chu Kang Park, i should also tell you that when fruits are in season, they are dirt-cheap in the market, not to mention that it is illegal to pluck from a public tree.. haha!

hmm.. but like what everyone is saying on the street.. "You can do whatever you want, but don't get caught!" haha.. when you go for driving test, and asked, "Can you park at a Double Yellow Line?" Try answering like this, "Yes, just that parking cost abit more. Instead of 50 cents, it may be $50." haha.. (which is quite true huh? haha!)

Well, but i do not know if humans are "aroused" at this period of the time or not.. hmm.. it doesn't seem to have any links to anything..

maybe, if i have to give a logical reason, it will be that between the period of May to July is also the hottest period of the year in Singapore.. When the weather is hot, people tend to wear lesser, and people find it hard to fall asleep at night also.. Combine these together, haha.. well, you get active and restless people who can't wait to peel off their clothes in bed!! hahaha! Logical?? hahaha.. because i sure don't think that flowers on trees can turn me on.. tsk tsk! haha..

haha.. somehow, i keep having a werid feeling inside me.. you know, something is telling me that the next time we can actually get a full attendace again for an outing, will most probably be at the wedding dinner of one of us.. coz everyone having busy life now.. those studying will be studying, those serving NS will be serving NS, (maybe even moonlighting also) and those working will be working.. haha.. me? i shall continue to serve in my NS, wait for my medical and hope for the best.. I can't wait to go for my pilot trainee course and get my Wings! - the ultimate pride and honour in the Singapore Armed Forces. and i can't help feeling happy that not only do i have you people to share the joy with, in the near future, very very very near future, i shall be able to share the glorious moment with the girl i love..wahahahaha!

oh no.. mak's going cranky..
well, what to do...? as usual..

haha.. :)

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