24 December 2006
22 December 2006
6.30pm at Rocky's
No one reminded me but I remembered to make the reservation.
Under Miss Ang :D for 10 pax at 6.30pm!
The person threatened to cancel the reservation if we are not there by 6.45. So if you all reach earlier than me, do make your way there first k?
So see you guys at 6.30pm tomorrow at Rocky's! Remember the gift exchange.
The Teck Whye people who wants a lift, contact me!
19 December 2006
And yeapp, everyone... let's thank peg for organising this! I'm alright with any place as long as it's with u guys! So anyone with any objection, BLOG or TAG. =)))
I'm looking forward~! ;)
Nonetheless, pizza sounds good to me and Bojangles might be a dangerous temptation if I happen to get the Tua Leng Gong Van out that night. Just make sure that I don't even drink a sip.
I am good to go on 23rd. Let me know the details. No violent objections to the gifts exchange, lucky draw style.
Live It Up,
Yes, you didn't read wrongly. Its Mak.
18 December 2006
Xmas plans
As the title suggests, the christmas dinner on 23rd will still go on. I think its not very fair (to the other people) to let a few people spoil the whole event and our enthusiasm.
But due to the fact that attendance might not be satisfying, I think we should not book the chalet anymore. If not it will be quite bad for our pockets. Then we can use the money to eat better food.
Attendance so far:
- Yin
- Yu
- Mui + Bf
- Den
- Mak
- Chay
- Peg +Bf [but bf say if no bf/gf go then he not going]
- Huijie
Gift Exchange
Since its a christmas thingy, I think it would be fun to have a gift exchange. But since our gang event is always so prone to last minute changes, I think it might be easier to buy general stuff and just exchange by drawing lots or that sort of thing. If not if last minute people pull out, someone might end up with no present that day and I think its not very nice.
I do understand the difficulty of buying general, unisex stuff. But I hope we bear in mind that as 20 year olds, we are kinda too old for soft toys, chocolates might be too sinful for us etc. Haha! Actually Yin suggested we should restrict/ban some gift ideas (i think due to her traumatic hp pouch experience!) but I feel restrictions will spoil the fun of it. And the whole idea of this is not about the materiality of the present but the fun and the spirit of sharing and giving for the season. And I think we should be old enough to decide what goes and what doesn't.
But then, we are living in a democratic country, hence a democratic gang. If you have violent objections, please do voice out ok? :)
Edit: Price range for gift about $10-$20.
Since we are not having a chalet anymore, I think it would be good to have somewhere we can chill out and sit longer. Having said that, town's out! The ideal place (to me) is somewhere less buzzy. And hence, town's out again! HAHA!
I'm proposing Rocky's Pizza (link)@ Rail Mall. Where our good old hangout, Bojangles is. I tried once eons ago, it was pretty good. Better than Pizza Hut and Canadian. I hope their standard don't change. I passed by it today and there were only 2 familes of 4 on a Sunday evening. So I assume it should be quite peaceful there and we should be able to sit there and chill. And even if we wanna chill till very very late, there's still our good old Bojangles to go to. :)
Food wise, you can take a look at the menu from the website. There's a link if you goon didn't notice. Its quite reasonable. About $10 for a plate of pasta. A large pizza for about 2-4 pax is about $20-$30.
Location wise, it should be pretty convenient for most of us. I would gladly love to send you all home in my Jazzie baby. Although cannot take alot lah. But the F-ing Kah Motors now tell me it will only be ready for collection on 26th! $^@#$ And I'm prepared for further delays. :(
And once again, democracy. I am only suggesting because I get the idea that no one really knows where to go. If you have better places, do suggest!
If you all are cool with Rocky's, then I will make reservation k? Although it might not be necessary. But better be safe. If not we one big group quite hard to get seats sometimes. So if you wanna bring your other half, do let me know so that I can reserve for the correct number. [Chay, Mary is welcomed. I would love to meet her. AND SEE IF YOU ARE RIGHT BY ASKING ME FOR MY SIZE! haha.] And do get him/her involved in the gift exchange as well ok?
Dress Code:
I dunno if you all still wanna go for the initial dress code since its so near. Haha! I'm fine with it actually. Smart casual for guys. Lil' casual dresses for girls (not the prom dress kinda lah).
Alrighty, thats about all. Sorry ah. A bit lo so. We really don't have to force this thing. But I'm just trying to make everyone happy as much as I can and keep this tradition of ours. Its pointless to just get upset and screw the whole thing just because some people cannot make it (I know I was guilty of that in the past but I learn already). We should still go ahead and have our own fun. Okok?
But that doesn't mean that you can just ignore and bo hiew my long long post. I still need confirmation so that I can make reservation k? Haha.
Till then!
05 December 2006
Everyone cfm whether u can stay overnight asap alright~!
And for the dress code, girls... u all wanna wear dress instead? Hehe... maybe dress will be better than denim skirts if we were to stay overnight... so u girls just comment here kay.
27 November 2006
Unavoidable laws of the universe
1. Law of Mechanical repair
After your hands get coated with grease, your nose begins to itch.
2. Law of the Workshop
Any tool when dropped will roll to the least accessible corner
3. Law of probability
The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act
4. Law of telephone
When you dial the wrong number, you never get a busy signal
5. Law of driving
After you change lanes, the one you were in will always start to move faster than the one you are in now
6. Law of the bath tub
When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings
7. Law of close encounters
The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don’t want to be seen with
8. Law of result
When you try to prove to someone that a machine won’t work, it will
9. Law of the theatre
The people whose seats are furthest from the aisle will arrive last.
26 November 2006
Measures of a man
However, freedom only appear in one colour. PINK
Anyway, i will be out soon.
One of the most important i learn is how to be a man.
So what is a man??
After so much physical stuff that we do everyday will make our muscles more define and develop. Maybe that is training to be a man.
But too superficial already leh, some muscular guys also act like sissy.
Maybe admitting to the own faults is being man. Just like the guy who admits farting in front of the officer when he is talking.
But that one is integrity, a value that everyone should have.
Maybe it is about giving abit more to others when everyone is feeling very shag and tired. Just like me helping some slow mole in digging their shellscrape after 5 days outfield.
But it is about being helpful.
I finally came to understand what is the true meaning of man after last week route march.
Everyone was marching with high morale, singing all the way, encouraging each other. Although there may be people dropping out but we were satisfied by our performance.
When everything is over and it is time to wash up, i finally found the answer that i am looking for.
A true man will walk with a limp and his leg very very wide open. Just like a girl i use to like, who walks with her leg really wide open and we used to make fun of her because of that.
Haha, not funny. But nvm, at least i got put some sensical stuff here.
Will blog more when i come back next time
x'mas party
Draft of our plan~
Date: 23rd Dec 2006
Venue: Some restaurant with nice food, cosy ambience & inexpensive buffet. (do research, everyone!)
Time: Probably late afternoon till e next day, 24th! Shall decide where to go after dinner on that day itself... ;)
Dress Code: Jeans with a long-sleeved shirt or jacket. Denim skirts for girls. Everyone is to wear a long-sleeved shirt or jacket... LONG-sleeved.. =) And jeans for the bottoms. Standardized huh... no one is allowed to 'chu' patterns...
Attendance: ALL 12 or 13 to make it... muahahaaa.. another quan jia fu again? Gee..
If you're reading this... better tag to show that u've acknowledged this party & cfm attendance!
Ciao 1st! Looking forward to our party!
09 November 2006
06 November 2006
Mui mui's bday pics

Everyone in the gang has hit the big 2 already! Gong xi gong xi. Gong xi gong xi Ah Yin. Haha.
Start planning your 21st, Chay!
pEg (with her damn peauuuuuuutihuuuuuuuuul thumb)
25 October 2006
Since everyone's blogging, maybe i should come post sth i guess.. anyway i do admit that my efforts for this gang ain't as much as b4, and i guess u guys realised it too. Maybe i'm tired, need to take a break. Maybe i'm too busy... but for all of ur info, u guys will always be a part of my life, u guys will always be inside my heart. =)
I'll be part of the christmas party organising team too... ^_^
And guys, see you all soon ba~! ;)
ps: i tried posting up e bbq pics but it doesn't seem to work... maybe someone wans to help? wahaa...
24 October 2006
jus wanna say that despite a lot of times when perhaps some had disagreements, people are disappointed with one another... perhaps at times a lot of us felt that this gang is not going to last and everybody is tired of so many issues...
i really really love you guys and am glad that friends like you all still are around.
no matter how far apart i am from you guys; i may be busy with my dance life that i no longer put in effort anymore, i may be drifting away a lot... but i still wanna try k??
the bbq though a simple gathering, but its just great, so great that all are present to enjoy each other's company.
thanks again to mak n rong for organising... thanks to everyone else who prepared n help n for the present!!!
hey, i would like to do something for the gang.. so christmas party, i will help to organise can can!!!
anyway one thing really amuse me is mak's video that he made... it shows how free he was and how boliao, but den again, i feel that he will be someone who will do something sweet for his gf!!!! and to make a video like tt is really a sweet gesture... so live it up jiayuan!!
and for the four-some that wore red that day... perhaps one day we shld have a color code and everybody wears white or black to go out together!! it seems like we long time never do something like tt le..
one more thing, i am really happy for you, yin~ =)
be happy, everybody. chay, stop lamenting about yr sad life. be happy too! haha~
23 October 2006
[pleasant suprise!]
[pleasant suprise!]
I think last night was a nice get together. To take time off amidst busy schedules. There is no doubt that there are inherent flaws in this gang, but we learn how to seek perfection out of those imperfection. We all change, we all grow and are becoming more and more different. I guess its all part of life.
I know I'm abit mad. Since yesterday we kept harping on Yin's "xi shi" and Rong always like to think about what will happen 10 years later. I just thought of something. HAHAHA. If one of us gets married, the rest can fit into one table at the wedding dinner. Just nice. Hahahahaha. That is based on the assumption that it is not an internal marriage. But then again we will bring our partners. Maybe 2 tables lah (as of now, at least 1 1/2). Then for the one who is the last, probably have to reserve 3 tables liao. Cos got children also. HaHHAA. So you know whats the moral of the story? The LATER you get married, the MORE you have to spend. Bo hua one leh. 1 table or 3 tables you will still get the same number of angbaos. If those CC one maybe not much diff. But one table at ritz carlton surely got diff lah! SO if you want to save, GO GET MARRIED NOW!!
Alright, I know, Peg is siao already. Monday morning. Brrr.
And sorry, no need go chiong get nice dresses or suits, I am not getting married yet.
ps. photos, hint hint.
18 October 2006
anyway, thanks rong for trying to organise this.. and guys hope to see u all k!?
everybody's busy i know.. but prb i nt too sure what u guys r really busy with...
yin busy with work.. and having fun.. haha..
peg busy with studies and bf... exams soon huh.. jia you !!!
rong also busy with studies... better do well k~
mak busy with... his work, dog and family... n prob flyin off somewhere again..
lun busy with work.. and tuition.. and play pool?
den seems slack to me though.. HAHA>.
jian.. busy with work, gf... pool? i duno~
huijie busy with work.. n wad else? lol
chay looks shagged.. take care.. protect yr hair against the weather!!!
muihwee.. so long nv see u le!! pls join us soon k... come this sun!!
hope to see everybody this sun.. i am similarly busy as well.. haha.. but really hope to catch up with u all again please!!!!
btw, for those if still have no idea.. i am now working FULL TIME. hurhur.
and those coming for my dance production, ive reserved tickets!!! yayyss so please come n support n pay up soon! lol~
17 October 2006
16 October 2006
All of ur coms spoilt is it.........y no updates......
haha. but its ok lar. guess we used to it also liaoz. U guys are BUZ mahz. haha. i dun meant it sarcastically wor. i know u ALL are ALL V BUZ la. SO BUZ hor. wahaha.
anyway, i enjoyed myself on fri during the mini celebration for Huijie. Huijie, i hope u enjoyed urself too!! Happy Belated Bday!!
so now, the upcoming bdays are... Siewyu's n Jianwei's bday!! Shall we go Chevrons this coming sat to celebrate? Any suggestions? Sat night meeting around 8 plus u guys can? Pls tag or sms me to let me know.. help me save $ lar.. i still got many ppl to feed.. Juz drop me an sms only 5 cents, if i send u all will cost me a bomb. so pls be kind to me k? haha. N u guys better make it, coz i m having final exams coming 2 weeks, n i m still going. so u guys better make it, unless u got really good reasons lar. Jian, i dun know whether u will be free. Drop me an sms to let me know bahz. kk.. nothing much le. gtg. Bye!
02 October 2006
mon blues
I am back, feeling very very bad. For the severity of what happen to my, pls contact me directly as the description will cause serious loss of appetite.
Training has been managable for me but i am afraid that once i go to field, heat rash will come and haunt me. There is no way to cure heat rash which means i will get those needle prickling sensation for the next duno how many days once it relapse.
I miss the days where i can get information freely from the papers and internet, the freedom to cycle down the road, blasting mp3 andfeeling the cold wind blow. Oh and cannot anyhow call people, cause their bf/gf may complain.
Time change and i understand that i have to give all these up so that others can sleep soundly at nite and carry on their daily life the next day.
My hair is getting worse, it is just like i been thorough chemotherapy, can see the shiny scalp so clearly and it looks so fugly. arrrggghhh!!!
Blog more, if not can tag. Everywhere is getting more and more silent.
27 September 2006
Sorrie for the delay of the photos taken on rong's bday!!! I will get the cam from my sis tonight, charge then upload! I promise!
Anyway rong, hope u enjoyed the chevrons session. I'm really SO SO SO SO SO sorry for my mood. I feel so guilty, up till now. Really sorry... but u must noe, i really sincerely wished you. =)
As for the rest, maybe that night i was a little different than usual, so sorry that i din talk much with u guys... sekali u all din even BOTHER.. >_< wahaa...
Bt anyway, i'm so sorry for that whole night... foul mood was my excuse, not a good reason though... but i really couldn't control my emotions. Deep inside, i still care! =)
07 September 2006
04 September 2006
31 August 2006
Venue: Chevron
Time: 9pm
Dresscode: Dress up abit, i bringing cam to take picture.
Pls bring abit more cash for those alcoholic.
27 August 2006
Delon suddenly reminded me that i have about 12 days more to my enlistment, which i was trying really hard to to count.
2 weeks ago, i was stilll screwing someone during the sch ndp. 2 weeks later, i will be screwed.
I came across this picture when i was surfing my cadet blog.

my patriotic SIRS ... HAHA.
examiner asked: what do you tink the man on the left side of the picture is doing?
Perfect ans:on the left side of this picture, i see a man clad in a blue tshirt and adorns a cap. He is saluting. i guess he is sleeping when singing the national anthemn.
Yeap, no doubt that is a perfect ans. BUT THAT IS PERFECT FOR ONLY LVL 1 or 2.
For a level 3 ans: He is sleeping or trying hard to remove the sweat from his eyes. It may due to the fact that he spend alot of time preparing for the parade and end up feeling very tired during the whole ceremony which is held early in the morning and during the short moment in which the camera flashes, he is resting. He has done alot of work the moment before and is so sweaty that beads of sweat is flowing from his forehead which he has to use his eyelid to open and close so that the sweat which is burning his eyes from entering.
For a level 4 ans: The bloody camera is taking at the time where he blinks, therefore the photograph shows that he is closing his eyes, although his singing can drown a whole contigent of mumbling.
SEE SEE. This is the kind of cadets that I have lor. Unappreciative
I spend money, time and effort trying to attend trainings which benefits them more than me. I could have spend it on looking for a gf.
I dun mind not receiving the tons of appreciation letters. ( my brother had a mountain of it during his POP, all from his female cadets)
But this is like saying that i am not good lor
What will the cadets of the future think of me.
"Sleeping Sir"
"ZzZ instructor"
What will my son think of me.
"Pa, why you sleeping when uncle is working?"
You may think that i am petty, its just a joke , relac ar.
HAHA, ok la i think its a joke. Just that he didnt post some better photo of me.
But i am still a petty person.
No worry
8 MORe daes to POP, pop, pop, popopopopopopopopopopop
sry chay, 13 more days to ENLISTMENT, ENlist, enlist, enlistenlistenlist.. :p
cyc, if u got injury urself, dun endure, report it :) or else u wil be like me
A pleasant Surprise
My habit of coming here everyday has reduced to once in a few days because at the back of my mind, I know that there wouldn't be updates. But once in a while, I get a pleasant surprise by seeing a new post, or even a new tag. So here, I hope I can bring a pleasant surprise to some of you as well.
4 month long of summer holidays has officially ended. Good and bad, happy and sad. Its not gonna be a easy 4 months ahead for me, definitely.
Read from xia's blog that Delon might have torn his ligament or something and might need a recourse. And apparantly, its only one week from his POP. And very obviously, our friend is not feeling very good. I ain't that close to him and I don't know what I can do or say to help him. So I'm urging you guys who are closer to him to help him out emotionally, physically or in whichever way which is necessary.
All I can do now is to tell you that I think ZhongChou faced something like that before when he went for his jaw op. He thought he needed a recourse. But after he reported on his first day, shaved his head, they told him that actually he had completed and didn't need a recourse anymore. He was super gek that they only told him after they shaved him, which was quite funny in a way. But obviously, shaving your head and not needed to go through it again is better than shaving your head and making you go through it again, right?
Anyway, I think some of you going to see your pink IC soon right? Cos some of my JC friends already counting down liao. Think those January batch one. Very fast hor? Can still remember how funny you all look without hair and insisting to wear the cap everytime you go out. And now, you all going to ORD soon liao. Sui yue bu rao ren.
Sorry la, Chay. Know you haven't even enlisted yet. Hahaha.
2 Sep, Bojangles right? No playing out..
21 August 2006
Out of place
When i walk and walk, i find that i am so out of place. The place is saturated with xiao meimei and youngster who seems to have generation gap with me. Even though i try to blend in with them by wearing punky t shirt and sneakers, the barrier seems to be there.
Sad lor, although i just pass my teens, i just dun feel like one.
Anyway, there will be a sing-a-long session this fri nite. Any ideas where to go?
People that will be present:
Pls reply your attendance asap so that a more detail plan can be made
13 August 2006
chay: thanks for being so willing to lend me your printer n stuff. although its so troublesome n stuff, but u still wanna help me print n even insist on bringing it over to my place coz its v late in the night. really touched by that. thanks so much. :) n u were so concern abt my project even till the next day. thanks thanks. really appreciate it.
peg: thanks for being there for me. hearing me out n stuff. really appreciated that. thanks girl. :)
yin: thanks alot for wanting to pool money to help me pay for the cycling n steamboat. really appreciates the effort n thought. thanks girl! but its ok bahz. guess i will go for the steamboat n save more next mth. :) thanks!
yu: heh. thanks girl! for hearing me complain n shout over the phone. haha. pity ur ears sia. thanks thanks. for callin even though u know i only wanted to complain. haha. thanks!!!!!!!
lun: u idiot. dunno what u buz with. NDP over le lo. still got so much stuff to do meh.. call u always nv pick up my call. see miss call also wun reply. grr. but nvm.. i m v forgivin one.. i forgive u! tmr den u know. i spike ur food let u lao sai until u cry! haha. k la. know u buz la.cannot so unreasonable. later u curse me.
jian: u another idiot! i soooooo long nv see u lo!!!!!!!!! haha. but ok la. at least today saw u at marina square. but NDP over le.. so shld be more free le ba.. muz meet up often k?
mak: hey. really glad to see u tat day. sooo long since i last saw u! so glad u came! but din really talk much to u leh.. so muz meet up again soon to catch up abit k? take care!
Den: hope u enjoyed urself on ya bday celebration tat day. haha. esp the blowin out of the 20 candles. haha.
mui: heard u super buz with the orientation for the freshies. dun tire out wor! cindi is like roasted pig now. haha. are u also? or u guys bully the freshies? muz be la.. haha..
huijie: haha. haven thanked u for the cab fare. haha. thanks!
ok. i guess i m more or less done..")
went to watch the fireworks today. n i started to miss u guys so much. remember tat year when we went to watch together? still rmbr peg was so crazy over purple n the fireworks got purple de, she so happy. den yin n mui saw alot of indian ppl while squeezing to us. haha. dunno why that one i super remember. haha. walked ard den saw alot of youngsters like us then.. haha.. in a whole group walking and kidding ard. n i miss u guys so much. next year fireworks we muz go together k? if can, we muz watch the NDP also. make our 21st year memorable! heh. ok. gtg le. bye ppl!
09 August 2006
ECP confirmed people.
Those who might be going...
Those with no answer...
Not going...
I would appreciate if anyone is able to get answer from those who hadn't given me an answer. =)
As for Mak, Muihwee and Rong, hope u guys can go la... i dun wanna say so much, cuz i rlly dunno what to say.

Just want remind people who are going to ECP ( the park not the expressway) to cycle this weekend.
Drink enough water the nite before to prevent dehydration
Bring extra clothes if not stinky stinky
Stretch your muscles well enough
Bring your own supply of plasters
Ok thats all, try to tag if you think you got something to say
07 August 2006
ECP outing!
Let me briefly bring you through the whole events on that day... wahahaaa. Sounds like some class outing sia.
Okay, we shall meet ard 10am in the MORNING at cck control, taking train to ECP. We shall start our day by renting a bicycle each & cycle, maybe some beach games, some 'our own' games, photo sessions, lunch, OHH YA, my card forehead game! Some of you might understand, for those who don't, it's okay, come this sun lo! Heex...
ECP activities will end ard 5+, and we shall go Marina for steamboat~!
For ECP we'll need ard $10 (rent+lunch).
For Marina, it's $12-$17 for each person, i really can't remember the pricing now. Anyone knows???
So for that day, we'll need ard $25-$30 each.
For those who haven't transferred Peg the money, pls bring $10 extra, you all should know what's that for la hor... thanks~!
I can't wait! Just hearing of it sounds fun, and i've a strong feeling that MANY can make it this time! Pls don't disappoint me alright... see u guys~! ;)
ah yin.
06 August 2006
Den's Birthday Celebration

He was actually touched, but he gei gei...

See... smiling so happily...

Stupid face.

Poor peg, holding the cake & breathing in the smoke from the 20 small candles.

It just suits Den lo... WAHAHA.

Seldom there's such a nice pic of Den...
To view the rest of the pics, http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/plaster_28/album?.dir=917fscd&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos
02 August 2006
Actually i don't mind planning birthday outings, but if u all can be more zi dong, try to make it, at least cfm asap even though u can't go, don't give me craps, i'll be happy le.
So people, see ya all this fri lo! Don't miss me kay, i've been sneezing so hard lately, must be u all la... *grinz*
ah yin.
31 July 2006
Change of plan.
Erm, meet up for a chevrons session... confirm ASAP. Okay, i just thought of something... i think u all sld noe what it's all abt la.. DEN LIM YU XUAN, u better be able to make it... unless u've no choice cuz of whatever guard duty. I have to say out in case u DATE some OTHER people. *hiak hiak*
Then, i shall see how, maybe postpone to sat or what, a belated one. SO it's compulsory for DEN. The others, try?
Okay another thing is, for e 13th aug gathering, let's go ECP cycle then other place for a steamboat or bbq, most probably marina ba. CHAY specially told me to mention his name cause...
** ShIyIn ** save your last dance for me says:
ok i go blog now~!
CYC says:
CYC says:
must put my name and weilun
CYC says:
cause we were talking about it for a long long time this evening
Chay, are u very happy now?
Okay arh people, confirm for this fri ASAP first... All take care~!
ah yin.
25 July 2006
chalet or bbq?
We shall fix the date on the 12th aug(sat) - 13th aug(sun). That'll be after NDP, and u all will have no reason for not being able to make it!!! *winks*
Till now, all i know is me, rong, yu, peg & chay are interested in the following plan... lun? den? mui? delon? jian? mak? hj? des? reply asap kay... i know those usual ones who often can make it are lun, den, mak & hj, so u 4 better reply asap. As for e rest, it doesn't mean that u guys dun nd to reply huh...
Guys, try to make it can? I haven take our quan jia fu la! Forget abt everything & just say YES or NO to this trip, it'll be fun! Trust me... esp with me ard... muahahahaaa. Alright, that was a joke.
ah yin.
chalet or bbq?
We shall fix the date on the 12th aug(sat) - 13th aug(sun). That'll be after NDP, and u all will have no reason for not being able to make it!!! *winks*
Till now, all i know is me, rong, yu, peg & chay are interested in the following plan... lun? den? mui? delon? jian? mak? hj? des? reply asap kay... i know those usual ones who often can make it are lun, den, mak & hj, so u 4 better reply asap. As for e rest, it doesn't mean that u guys dun nd to reply huh...
Guys, try to make it can? I haven take our quan jia fu la! Forget abt everything & just say YES or NO to this trip, it'll be fun! Trust me... esp with me ard... muahahahaaa. Alright, that was a joke.
ah yin.
24 July 2006
about chalet
so as chay said, before 9th sept izit? so in august, what dates will be good for u guys? so we've got btw 11th August to 3rd Sep, 4 weekends for u guys to choose to leave one for us! or u guys prefer weekdays? i duno which is easier for u all... but for me its definitely weekend bah...
i roughly go check out the price first.. btw those periods... den let yin noe.. and u guys noe what to do la huh~
i'll do the booking!!! =D
okie and so ive got a dance audition coming up this weekend.. its gonna decide a lot of things for me.. wish me luck!! and i'll keep y'all updated!! =)
miss u guys!
21 July 2006
Cultural Fiesta
Its Racial Harmony Day today! Happy Racial Harmony Day!! Lets be harmonious k?
Saw Ms Sim. She's now 5 months pregnant with a girl. Could see her glowing with joy. But still very petite. She asked about some of us. I told her all of you are good and we are still meeting up and stuff. Didn't talk for long cos she's busy with stuff. And throughout the short conversation, I couldn't really hear her clearly with the loud music at the background and she was having a bad throat. All in all, she's well and good, a happy mum to be and she sent her regards.
As for chalet, how come you all always want to have chalet about the time I start school one huh? Last year was my first week of school, I remember. I'm okay with it. Booking is very easy, just go website and click click can already. But if possible, I don't wanna do it cos its very hard getting people to pay up. I think I am still not done with last year's chalet money yet. Decided to suan le but I don't really want to do this anymore.
Actually, don't you all find chalet very bo hua? I don't know lah. I think its not very worth the money. And things sort of happen everytime. But I'm fine with it if there is one.
Anyway, Jian suggested a roller-blading session one day. But you all know lah. The things Jian says.. Haha. Furthermore, he wants it on a weekday after his NDP which is quite impossible for many of you I suppose. I'm not gonna help him organise. He said he will blog to oragnise after he remembers the username and password. Haha.
Thats all for today. Ciaoz.
Someone be the main organisor can? I dunno abt booking all these stuffs de... i volunteer to help out as an assistant... *grinz*
Hao la... we men qu chalet la... so long nv gather for days & nights le... CHALET hao ma? Let's play through the night again, with hu ke chuan zhang, with liquor, and maybe e 2nd zui quan master in this gang will be born???
Pls response asap... erm maybe during aug/sep? we must confirm & book now le ehh... so everyone confirm asap kay... maybe on wkends more convenient for e guys rte... we girls will accomodate. Awaiting for responses..... (=
ah yin.
17 July 2006
Wrote a hr worth of entry and because of certain reasons i cant upload the post.
Just want to say that pls reminded that there is an outing on sept. Since mr. chay is such a nice person, he will cut and paste the previous post.
This is a blog mob.
The following personal from this blog (names on the left side) pls report to Bojangles at Hillview area at 2th sept 2006 at 2000hrs.
Your attendance is compulsory.
Pls be reminded that
1. You are required to bring enough for taxi ride back home( Chay will be footing the bill)
2. You are not required to state your attendance on the blog or to the person in charge ( to avoid excess stress to Chay, cause his hair is dropping at an alarming rate)
3. If you wish to know whether A or B is going, pls ask directly as to A or B without going through a third party member.
4. You are prohibited to ask or divulge another person attendance.
15 July 2006
To all those who are lost in our small little conversation and about the people and their connection between us, below is a simple explaination.
Janelle = Chay's ex classmate
Peg colleague and bf cousin
Rong colleague and church mate
Hazel = Chay's ex classmate
Peg and Rong colleague
Good nite and hope we have more of this kind of outings soon :)
08 July 2006
Happy Belated bday!! who's next on the list ar?
wanted to blog at work ytd de.. but den too much stuff to do.. no time to blog.. so too bad larz.. wanted to wish lun happy bday one.. k lar.. mai hiam larz.. Happy belated bday!!!
i m soooooo enthu for sch.. cant wait for 31st July man... haha.. but i guess.. its always liddat.. when u finally got to study.. u will hate it so much.. but nvm.. let me enjoy anticipating now..:)
i m sooooooo bored... everybody no update blog.. wanna read also cannot.. but.. i found a new blog! was reading xia blog.. den she blogged abt kennysia.. haha.. really super funny.. now i got new things to entertain myself.. u guys can go visit too! haha. but i think most of u guys already know abt that blog le la.. i m always the outdated one.. nahz.. nvm..
k le.. i think i crapped alot.. take care peeps! cya!
06 July 2006
You know you haven't been blogging ...
Do you feel the same as I do?
This sounds like a "please blog" campaign. But its not. Cos I don't really care anymore, like alot of you have known.
I only wanted to come blog and tell you guys that I wouldn't be around this weekend. So please don't call or SMS unless you wanna pay the roaming fee. Will be back on Sunday late evening.
Cos I remember Rong calling me the moment I reached Bangkok last year, wanting a chat. Haha. And since Yu is organising something, I think I still owe an answer.
Take care, enjoy yourselves when you meet up and wish me a safe trip. Souveniers, no promise.
05 July 2006
04 July 2006
02 July 2006
27 June 2006
change of plans again. :D
ECP cycling!!!
How's it?
So we shall cycle the whole morning & afternoon, then lunch+dinner after that, and go town sit & chat... where after that we shall meet chay after his work!
Reply asap! Tag something or post something on this blog if YOU'RE reading it now, dumbo. Heex... sorrie la, dumbo. *grinz*
26 June 2006
changes to this sat plan.
If sun, maybe we can meet ard 1+ for ktv, and after singing, it'll be dinner time. Chay will finish his work in taka ard 9pm, so we meet in town alright? After his work, he'll then join us for some drinks or what. Till then... ;)
precious gang.
On ur music if possible. The effect will be better.
25 June 2006
With regards to rong's entry.
HOWEVER... i'm not saying about those who're REALLY busy & can't make it here, but i'm refering to those who CAN actually make it but just DON'T HAVE THE HEART to TRY to make it. (you know who i'm refering to, cause you might be that person.) I really don't know who n i'm not pointing finger here huh... but ya, just that i noe surely there's a few who're lidat.
I'm just VERY angry that u guys always say u're busy with this & that on sat, and that u're always hooked onto that certain busy stuff so e meaning behind it is basically u can't make it on every sat at all when we're always meeting on every sat! Unless u manage to convince me that ur certain stuff is really that IMPORTANT that if u dun go, u might lose ur life or head!
Actually, it's really hard to gather as a big gang & that everyone will make it together at the same time, it's always A can make it but B can't, or B can n A can't... C can D can't, A & C can, B can't, A & D can but C can't. U get what i mean? Yes that's it. So yup, i understand it.
But, in fact, i always think that if u have e heart, it actually wouldn't be difficult for us to meet up at all! Isn't it? Think about it, are u always that busy on saturdays? We all have almost the same routine & lifestyle isn't it... we all work or school every mon-fri, that's why we seldom meet up on weekdays. So weekends' our only time. Besides that, u have got ur family to accompany as well, right? I know... i know all these, dunno how many millions times i've heard it.
If u have a partner, ur family, ur outside buddies but only saturday & sunday, u still can make arrangements to it, isn't it? Furthermore, pls be clear that it's not like this gang is meeting up every single sat. -_-
So now, i really dun understand WHY. Maybe u hv ur own reasons, those which if i'm unable to have any opposite thoughts to it, meaning ur reasons are rlly acceptable n rlly nd our understandings. If that's e case, pls find time to tell me so ehh... i wouldn't want to misunderstand anyone. Btw, i'm saying all these not to offend anyone, but just to share my deep thoughts which have actually been developed since e day i stopped organising outings.
U noe what actually spurs me up? Rong's post, my bday celebration which i was rlly touched to hv most of u all appearing(rlly grateful for that (= ), e resolution i made for e yr 2006 which is to treat all worthy friends with a sincere heart, upon seeing 2 of the gang members having their bdays coming up soon & that i rlly wan to do sth for them, e lost happiness from our chalets (my drunk night when LUN & YU ran to carry a wheelchair!!! When den became my 'hero' of the night, when peg & rong changed for me & saw everything!!! When mak 'tsk' at me in his sleepy mode, and when he got facts clear, wiped my dirty face & hands for me, when jian told me how hard he tried to avoid me puking towards his direction & hoping for me to look into den's direction whenever i puked!!! (what a friend hor... muahahaaa.).
*** not ended***
Where we played 'HU KE CHUAN ZHANG'!!! with lights turned off, and everyone's becoming high or drunk, and drank & drank & drank... with everyone jumping on the 2 beds joined together. (now at the thought of it, i still clearly remember the atmosphere on that night!)
And also the sentosa chalet, when we moved here & there looking for the best spot to sleep in, the best spot where mosquitoes just happily f*** off from us! Where we played on that round stuff on the sea late at night, with all e stupids dares we gave one another & played e game zhong ji mi ma.
Those chevrons sessions on every sat night for that period of time? U all forgot? U see... i was trying to recall on whether there's any more outings & gatherings... but it's all deep inside the memories box in my brain that i dunno what else now. It goes to show that we HAD so many gatherings b4 so who's saying about giving up on our friendship?
U all noe... some gangs like us, with many friends inside, are only on e surface, meaning they can only gather n play... if sth were to happen to anyone of them, e rest will just SIAM. But that will nv happen to us right??? If anything happens to anyone of us (*touchwood* we'll all be safe & sound), e rest of us will sure stay by that someone's side isn't it... even though i may not be very close to a few in this gang like delon, chay... but we talked more than we've ever did during sec sch days!!! It's truly amazing, like just now, i just sms delon asking abt next sat thingy (will mention later on)... i sms delon leh! u think if dun hv this gang, i'll freakingly sms delon ma??? I think i'll nv ever realise delon's actually someone who's rather lame & humourous lo!
And chay... altho he's ... weird sometimes, HAHAHA! But u think i got tok to chay in sec sch de meh... ?!?!! If not for this gang, i wouldn't ever realise chay's a friend who'll stand up for his friends!
So if u're thinking that 'aiya is this rlly a gang not, i'm not even close to a few & without them, i think i can still live lo...' such stuffs, then u think through it again! If u still can't think through, nvm, come to me, i help u. *evil laughs*
Okok e main point is, without this gang, u sure can survive on but maybe u might die a lit earlier la... cuz i've heard b4 that laughing & being on a happy mode often extends ur life span. So without this gang, e most is u'll laugh lesser, be happy lesser, and die earlier lo...
In the past, whenever i sms to organise outings, i'll always say stuffs like "come la, walau very nan de we all meet leh..." or "promise kay, u make urself free la, his/her bday leh... must huh... come leh"... but nw i realised what for? No use at all, i'll never succeed with those phrases if u dun even hv e HEART! Am i right???
So i wun get so long-winded e next time, i'll just sms e event, time, venue, and u decide for urself... chay's right... dun ever ask who's gng through e 3rd party, if u've ever been the one organising, u'll find how f***ing irritaing it is!!!
So ask the person directly!
Talking about this, i'm sure all of u sld noe e conflicts, misunderstandings, whatever u call it to be... existing in this gang.
We're all 20!!! Slap ur face if u're still being so petty & bearing grudges!
Before u think of the other party's faults, why don't u use the time to think of urs 1st? Who actually started it 1st, what's the reason of the conflict behind it actually? If the reasons are, "i can't lose my face", "he/she misunderstands my meaning & f***ingly say me back now???"... then i see no point in bearing the grudges anymore. I said it... it's MISUNDERSTANDNGS. There're SO many misunderstandings in this world... and if everyone were to get angry or bear grudges over any misunderstanding, wun it be the most stupid thing in this world? (just as stupid as u being caught by the police for stealing bananas outside a fruit stall in the midnight as the bananas can't be kept in store?)
"he/she misunderstands my meaning & f***ingly say me back now???" I know anyone will get angry over such a case, but i dun think anyone will bear grudges over it for so long?
And think about it, did he/she really misunderstand u? Or u just can't put down ur STRONG ego (i hate this the most) and just kept on believing ur own self for everything...
*ps: before continuing, i'm definitely not stating any egs here kay, not refering to any conflicts, but just stating my own thoughts which sometimes happen in our daily lives*
Look at this! The conflicts are f***ingly irritating & affecting everyone's mood in this gang, i can tell u sth very clearly now... and that is, even LUN is giving up!!! He dun dare to voice out so i say it out loud for him! Not to mention him la, even me, i admit that e 2 wks ago, i had the thought of never bothering abt this gang ever again & if anyone were to organise anything, just go if i can make it lo.
In fact, if A can make it, B won't go. B can make it, A won't go... So who does the poor organiser have to call then? Imagine this, let's say if A's gng, so B won't go le right? After the outing, pics will be posted up, B sees it & gets angry & curse saying "damn, it's so much fun then, if only i'm there, because of A la!" Then, the hatred for A increases... e next time rd, if A goes again, B's hatred increase even more... so it'll just increase on, non-stop. If say a big event like chalet is coming up, how is it going to be done then? Who to call now? Sooner or later, if A attends all the outings, B will eventually be out of this gang. Instead of having someone to hate, why dun u try putting down ur ego & be more forgiving?
It's always better to have a friend than to have a foe, as what people always say. If u're more forgiving, and attending all e outings together, sooner or later, misunderstandings are forgotten & forgiven, and that everyone will be friends again! And that, this gang is alive once again! WON'T it be so great? Think about it please... i really wish to see this happening, for ur one action can rlly affect the whole gang's mood. 2 choices. Forgive&forget or Continue to bear grudges,eventually be left out? I never ask you to give in, never ask you to state the person's faults over & over again... but not thinking abt all these, just attend all outings 1st, just try... maybe for e 1st few times, the atmosphere might be a lit weird, but i promise the whole gang will be together to try with u all... this is all i ask for.
I just can't help but wonder what will be like after 5 years. Maybe we're preparing to attend wedding dinner of one of the gang members now? Or maybe someone's giving birth now already, everyone will be god-pa & god-ma? Hahaha... imagine... (=
Almost forgot, i mention about next sat outing which is to celebrate lon's & lun's bdays together, which i believe all of u have got my msg.
Venue: most probably town, if not, lot 1 if u all dun find it boring.
Time: 12 or 1 for lunch, 2-7 for k-box.
Confirmed people till now: (for ur info), i wun allow these people to be absent next sat as u've already promised. (= here goes... DELON, WEILUN, me, siewyu, den.
i dunno how many of u guys will be visiting this blog anymore.. it seems soo dead le.. haiz.. where's everybody? why is no one bloggin le?
i really miss those days when this blog was soo alive.. everytime got diff things ppl post..jokes riddles n stuff.. but now why soo quiet le..
jian was telling me.. that now the guys are buz thats why always organise outings they cant go.. n that i used to be v buz too.. but u guys understood me.. n i guess i need to try to be more understanding to u guys too bah..
but i cant help but feel tat..nobody really cares or bothers anymore.. whether got go out anot also not important le.. we are like sooo out of each other's lives le..
but i really miss those days.. at chalets.. at ktvs.. at lon's hse studying/swimming..all those outings we had.. we have been thru soo much as a gang.. remember that chalet that we were so united coz we all cared for someone tat was soo dear to us.. tat was when i really felt that our gang will really last forever.. that we can really go thru thick n thin.. we dun only share joy.. but we can share burdens too..
but now.. why like everybody moved on with their own lives le? what has this group become of? how many of us know wat another member is doing in their life? how many of us still bother?
haiz. i think i think too much le. i m in no position to say all this. for i once, heck care too. i always tot it was ok. less one person nvm, the rest still can go ahead n have fun. but now, i realise, if everyone thinks liddat.. its not gonna work.. its gonna only make those ppl that tries real tired.. real drained out.. i m sorry peg n yin..i know u girls always tries soo hard to make things happen for this gang.. to maintain this blog.. to organise outings.. n i know that we always let u down.. pls dun giv up on us yet.. i know our friendships have been thru storms, it will withstand, it will with hold..it will not give way.. can we all make it happen once again? can someone pls make this blog alive once again?
haiz. dunno what i toking.i really miss u guys lar! can we go out soon?
The following personal from this blog (names on the left side) pls report to Bojangles at Hillview area at 2th sept 2006 at 2000hrs. Your attendance is compulsory.
Pls be reminded that
1. You are required to bring enough for taxi ride back home( Chay will be footing the bill)
2. You are not required to state your attendance on the blog or to the person in charge ( to avoid excess stress to Chay, cause his hair is dropping at an alarming rate)
3. If you wish to know whether A or B is going, pls ask directly as to A or B without going through a third party member.
4. You are prohibited to ask or divulge another person attendance.
05 June 2006
Joke of the Day II
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
i wan to be a circus clown
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
i think i go find job in that indistry
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
[pEg] says:
oh.. ok.
[pEg] says:
i think it suits u
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
i tout u will say sth like dun waste my talents
** yIn ** I'll climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest sea. says:
i can be an entrepreneur instead
[pEg] says:
She must have had RASPBERRY VODKA just now.
03 June 2006
Joke of the Day
Before this blog goes dead, let me share a joke with you all.
Are you ready?
One day, a matchstick saw something puzzling which he can't understand. He scratched his head. And TA-DA! You know what happened. His head caught fire.
Funny right? Haha. Please laugh.
Its not the end yet! Haha.
So the matchstick went to the hospital. He was injured. So he had to seek treatment. The doctor bandaged his head. And you know what happens?
He became a cotton bud.
Alright, thats all for now.
Definitely not pEg.
-Like I dunno my joke sounds silly. Even if it made you all smile at my stupidity, I achieved my aim of blogging this entry.-
28 May 2006
Night Cycling
So pls cfm via blog or my hp no... thanks~! *beams*
25 May 2006
20 May 2006
Saturday nite
1. Sick
2. Small social circle
3. Own a PDA / smartphone that can access to internet even though you are in the MRT tunnel.
Due to work commitment which contributes significant to the art industry in singapore and a half broken computer, i had finally kick of the internet addiction. ( Which explain why i dun have time or resource to blog or even tag)
Have you ever heard of teachers lamenting" pls study hard for this subject, because no matter where you go, you will need the skills that for jobs next time."
A phrase trying to wake up the bo chup students or a prophecy that will ultimately come true in the future?
I took a module " coating and adhesive" last sem and i found it to be extremely boring and uninteresting notes and lecturers doesnt help in arousing me. Whats so interesting learning about the chemical composition of paints and glues? In the end, i had a rather bad score for that module, which is ok for me as i dun see myself in that field next time.
"Excuse me? Do you think this XXX brand glue can be use to join fabric to sequin, and if the glue will be transparent after it dries up. Oh ya, how long does it take to dry."
Seems that fate is trying to pull my leg.
I was posted to the paintings and adhesive section. Which means that i have to answer enquiry on different types of paints and glues.
Lets discuss the difficulty of joining two materials together.
There are different types of materials in the world. Joining two identical materials together isnt that difficult but when the customer mix and match with different surface, you know you are in great trouble.
Paints is also another problematic section, there are oil paint, acrylic paint and water colour. Different paints only works on different materials which can only be display in certain enviroment. Elaborate abit more, i might as well photocopy my lecture notes.
Difficulty customers added kerosene to the fire.
There is this customer who wanted to test this "entry-level" fountain pen (cost about 100++ and the brand is so so only) and after going through tons and tons of trouble to get paper and ink, i was inform by the superior that no testing of fountain pen is allowed. Of course the customer get pissed and just shoo me off and went off. If he is successful, he should go down to get a mont blanc to get a fountain pen and i can even recommand a few if he wish to. If he is not so , dun try to ya ya with me and maybe i can show you where we put the $9.99 for 50 pens.
I got screwed once for recommanding the wrong thing.
There is this customer who wanted to form a circular box from a acrylic sheet. Base on my 4 years exp on D n T and 3 years experience on polymer in poly, i recommand her to bake the acrylic sheet on a convention oven which is what i learn and did for the past so many years.
After my in-charge took over, he was inform of my recommandation and screw me.
Duno whats wrong and dun care anymore. Dun ever want to hear that acrylic sheets can be bend when heat is applied.
Oh ya, if you are reading this on a sat nite.
pls tag or post if not
19 May 2006
yin came by!
Well, we can't possibly keep this blog active all e while actually, but it really has been real quiet close to 2 months? It's just my estimation. So people, time to keep it active!!!It's time! MJY, this is my last warning to u... u noe.. u can still blog here, maybe just blog lesser as i understand ur stuffs are all written elsewhere.
PLS..... blog la!
Anyway, it also has been quite some time since this gang had met up... i'm talking abt those longer gatherings, nd not be chalet or camp... can be NIGHT CYCLING too u noe...
YES! My motive! Night cycling people... this wkends? Who can make it? Okay, i noe peg, lun, mak, chay, yu, den, hj, hmmm maybe rong too, read this blog often. Rong may read it sometimes cause she's always so busy. Wahaha. SO yeah those names i've mentioned above, don't gek gek hor... trying to change ur URL now right... stand right there!!!
Yes u... better reply via this blog! Whoever does not reply shall get it frm me... *evil laughs*
This fri or sat... fri may be a bit rush.. so sat? But if most hv no prob with fri, we can still carry on... hee. My sister has been on night cycling trip TWICE within this month le, i'm just so tempted mann! And... i miss the beach. *beams*
Okay... if not, next wkends? Limit till next wkends kay... try la. As in, i hope that we can put this either this wkends or next.
Okay... this night cycling right, xia, xue'e & chan are welcome too!!! Go together if u people can... delon, jian & peg will also invite us to ur all wedding one day too. *grinz* Let's all interact now mann. Hahaha.
I think my typing with 10 fingers has improved a lit. Altho had pressed 'backspace' like countless times? Shall go catch my show now!
Love, YIN...
PS: MJY, u better blog, and u promised me that my night cycling will cfm be ON. U promised!!!
anyway.. hAHAHAHA. i wanted to type this in my own blog. but i decided to post here la~~
today was in town, distributing flyers for one upcoming event in CluB mOmO, in which i will also be performing for the World Cup Fans Showdown event!
ehhh... i'll probably dance to world cup item, dun worry, not bar top or pole dancing k peeps!!!~lol~
anyway, i sooooooooo happen to SEE MAK JIA YUAN and his friends whom i DUNNO. and its so embarrassing man!! i mean, distributing flyers at my age at town?!!?! i thought only teens of 15/16 do that now~ SIAN~
anyway it was pretty embarrassing la, and that mAk made me feel even more embarrassed la~~ arrrggghhhhhhhhhhh u this jia yuan, thanks ar!!!~
well since mak was like saying u performing right, okok we'll go watch dun talk so much~.. LOL i presume some of u will come and support!!!~
eh.. mak u got say something like that hor.. cos u were like dun wan mi to pester u like that.. arrgggghhhH~ lol~
i think today's my WORST DAY ever in town. so many cute guys walked past me, and saw secondary school fren, saw fren's sister, saw fren's fren, and even got one like shock its me when i dunno who that person is!!!! HoHoHoHO, ji bai si liao~
anyway because of this and being an promoter to promote about the event, i lost my voice. i really lose my voice. =(( i just went to see doc last sat i cant believe i got to see doc AGAIN. how suay can i be? -_-~
well take care everybody. lately everybody's been fallin sick~
Lun Zi, update me more! always see u online but dint reali get to talk.. send mi some nice songs k!
Jonathan Lim Jian Wei, u and yr medical lab bedroom! enjoy sleeping there ~ (heard from the guys u so poor thing~ hOhO)
Peg, yahhhh thanks for tagging me, LOL i have yet post it.. will do it soon!!~ and yr dad's new place... congrats ar! need to hire ppl or not? LOL~ looking for temps~
YiN, all da best for yr upcoming interview! u reali like office gal liao~ lOL
Rong, spend more time with yr peeps here! if not i ban u from working!
Chay hows yr painter joB~ take care~
dEn, where's my movie?! LOL~
mAk, update in this blog pleaseeeeee... dun just write somewhere else... let mi noe u're here =)
hUijie, got check blog ma?!
Mui, still remember us ma?! now got a dear but must still join us at times k!! =D
Des, dun forget us hao ma!? i still remember yr bday!
DelOn frog prince.. i only remember u and yr books~ loL~
-ciaoz- peepsssss~
16 May 2006
And yes, cant that person who tagged that simply post? My god.
And hor... I tend to be the one updating the top left hand corner. But this time I left it there till all the events had passed and yet no one bothered to edit it for me! I feel paiseh typing in my own birthday lah. Don't you all understand? Haha. In the end I still had to do it. Grr.
I dunno what else to say already. Just posting to prevent our blog from being "automatically deleted".
Weather's pretty bad recently. Alot of people falling sick. So people, do take care k? Drink more water, get more rest. But try not to think of me, although I know it works. Because I have been sneezing and having a blocked nose for a few days already. I do want to recover. So try your very best not miss me. I know its hard. But please try k.
07 May 2006
Uploaded some photos from my side on our photo album.
The rest, most of it, is with Yin.
04 May 2006
Dinner at Sakura Buffet at Omni Theatre (beside Science centre). I will make reservation at 6pm. We will eat until about 9. Eat includes sit and talk lah. Weekend lunch is 26 nett i think.
Then Lun will make reservation at Chevrons at 930. We will have to probably walk there. Or if the number is nice, we can cab there. Not say very near also leh. The KTV session will last til AT LEAST 12. ALL please
But now I need to know how many people. Cos need to make reservation. So far,
- me
- yin
- lun
- mak
- delon
- jian
- me
- yin
- lun
- mak
- delon
- jian
- chay
- rong
Yu haven really given me a reply. SMS me k.
Can someone (Lun, hee) help me ask Huijie, mui and Des and if I left out anyone. Since Lun you offered to help. Hee. Actually Mak did tell me that he can inform HJ. But I have to spend a few smses. SO lun, thanks hor. Haha.
Den confined, dont bother. I did not forget.
I think thats all for now. Watch this space for updates.
01 May 2006
Sorry haven't been blogging. Was working at Expo last week. And it was hell tiring. But only 4 days lah. And the paycheck was 350.. Hee. When I complained that I am underpaid cos its so tiring, I think of those Tekong people and I feel so much better. Haha!
Oh well, nothing much to talk about. Have all of you seen Yin's video? I think its nice. Do go view it at YouTube if you haven't. Great job Yin!
I seriously dunno what else to talk about le. You all never update, I cant talk much too.
This sat night most prob have activity. But I still ain't sure what. But try to keep it free k.
Thats all for now. Hope to hear from you all soon.
30 April 2006
shiyin's mtv.
Been interested in making own video nowadays, so yeah here is one!
I'm sorry if i didn't post up any individual pic with me, it's either i didn't update my multiply photos or the reformatting of my com which causes me to lose many pics.
Enjoy though!
Love, YIN...
28 April 2006
Before it's been closed down, people who are free, feel free to blog alright.
I think let's gather soon... because we haven gone out to PLAY for quite a long time, that's why blog is so cold now... quite sian of singing everytime we meet... only singing... seems like we all can only sing together now like tat.. so this sun ECP cycling? watch sunset? strolling? anyone's free? or rather anyone's not free?
How's everybody btw? My contract has been extended to 2 more months in my current co, and it was 2 wks initially... i'm so happy~(=
Might be gng BKK in june, so needa work & save & SAVE! Hee. Let's not find those exp activities then okayy...
And our night cycling leh? Haix... so sian leh... my game papers are being kept for so long le... can't wait to play e game actually... people i miss u all sooooo much! Meet up soon! And pls bloggggg... i rlly run out of what to say now mann... almost din wan to take e trouble to come into this web just now actually... but just hope to see 'miracle' u noe... hope at least someone blog/tag. e last tag was mine b4 peg's latest one... but ya sorrie gotta admit tat peg had e last post...
i dun wan my post to 'diao' here as e 1st entry frm e top for too long kay... (=
Love, YIN...
20 April 2006
I'm so bored leh. Slack for one week and I want to die already.
Slept at 2 plus, woke up at 1. watch tv, eat, now feel like sleeping again! hehe. nothing to do le. Mails check liao. My stupid results not out yet. Went to all the blogs I frequent and finish reading le. And here machiam dead town leh. Even tag also dun have. Damn sian. Maybe we should close down this blog when it turns one in 2 days time la. What you think?
I don't know if you all read Rockson. But he is super vulgar and sometimes funnny. Check it out if you are bored, like me.
17 April 2006
familiar stranger
Well, shits happen all the time.
Working occassionaly the past few weeks, i have been travelling around. Although most of the time i will have the company of my mp3 player, i usually spend the time reflecting on my past 20 years. ( sidetrack abit, when i ask a senior cadet how i can improve on my teachings and instead of giving me constructive comments, he pointed to me and said loudly "go reflect on yourself!'' interesting how youngster can be so rude these days. Dun ever ask me go reflect, cause i have reflect well enough to lose alot of hair. )
Many thoughts came in mind and many people who i haven see for years suddenly appear. I shall refer to them as the "familiar stranger". Haha, my england not bad ar, manage to use oxymoron in the blog.
Friend 1:
A male who i know since 1995. Classmates for a 2 years in pri sch and 2 years in kss. I was sitting in limbang mac chilling after cycling round the neighbourhood when he greeted me with a loud "eh" and a wave. He seems to have put on a few kg when i last saw him. Guess he is waiting for the new sch term to start. Didnt ahve much time to interact with him.
Friend 2:
Another male who i know since 1994. Was a tution classmate for quite sometime and classmate for pri and sec sch. Bumped into him when i was having a lunch break at bras basah complex. He looks slightly mature and his voice started to squeak when he started speaking. He is now a freelance webpage designer working from home with quite a substantial salary. Although we both are waiting to be enlisting, he seems to be earning alot more while doing alot less. Interesting person, just that i dun have the skills he have.
Teacher 1:
I was at the shop replenishing stocks in the store, when i saw a bunch of junior brats ( the students from the boys sch opp uncle patrick hostel) talking and i heard a familiar voice talking to the them. I glance over the large cupboard and saw my pri 5 form teacher. Although i wanted to call him but i was held back. Just want to mention that he ever scolded one of my classmates that he is a "failure in life" and he throw books on the floor. If his actions were to be publish in the papers, i bet it will create a scene in the education scene. We are only pri sch kids la. Shall stop talking about the past here.
I had 2 trips down SP to set up a booth for the shop that i am working with and deliver stuff to the sudents there. It feels different to go back to the familiar sch with a different objective in mind. This was the second time i am having this feeling. The first was back in the nov of 2004 when my attachment manage ask my to go back to test some polymer resin. The first time he ask me when i entered the office was "hows it feeling to go back just now?"
Seems that all the alumni are emotional when talking about their school.
One more thing before i end, there is this rude freshie who came down to order some stuff and when i told her that we dun accept orders today, she "tsk" me and snatch the paper from me. I feel like telling her " eh hello freshie, i was here studying when you are still in lower sec studying general sci." These kids ar, duno how to respect seniors.
Anyone got any jobs to intro? Willing to work for peanuts. Although i got no gf to f.......eed, but i have to save up abit for my future liao.
16 April 2006
Girl continues to ignore: hmmf!
Boy: Fine. Be angry all you want. Wo zou le! BYE!
Girl: Huh... Really ah? (filled with regrets)
Hai... Now gu ling ling yi ge ren. Zao zhi dao jiu bu yao diao qi lai mai le lah.
Haha! Look like hor?
14 April 2006
am i .. too terrifying a person??
are u guys.. unable to accept the way i am?
to the guys.. am i deem as too scary or too bold to be approacheD?
have i been saying things that hurt u guys, or what is it that should i do to make myself a better person?
sometimes, my principle is to heck care about what others think or see, as long as im comfortable with myself as who i really am, who cares how people look at me?
den again, i dun wan to be doing things to turn people off, like i could be spatting hurtful things at someone, without i myself realising it.
sometimes i feel that, guys, being the tougher ones... i can be honest and ya noe, act rough and no need to be 'ke qi' in front of my good friends.. so im always like a tom boy when im with a bunch of guys..
but yet, could it be that sometimes im too direct, and i dare to tel u something to yr face, but dint realise that, probably.. as a guy hearing a comment from a girl still.. will bother them that much.
haiz. i duno what to do now. i think ive hurt a fren. but he's just ignoring me, and not giving me any chances. i actually, dint have courage anymore. i feel so weak, so lousy.
again, this is one realm where i could be more honest that i could in my own blog... saddening.. but.. that's the way it is.
11 April 2006
Life is fragile
Although I still have 1/3, I have another day. So I came here to slack awhile.
I have a person on my MSN list whom I don't really talk to. She was my classmate from Sec3-4 (which is some of yours as well) but we never talk to each other except to ask her to help me do survey once. She used to be an outcast in class. People like to bully her, make fun of her. I found her a little weird cos she talks to herself occasionally. Pretty obvious already isn't it? The most significant thing I remembered about her was that Jeremy bullied her so much that her father wrote a letter to him to ask him to stop. Kinda funny at that time.
I can't remember where or whom I heard from that she lived with her father and grandmother only cos her mother passed away. I always thought that her mother passed away when she was super young due to some illness or whatsoever (don't ask me why I thought of this but I just did)
Her MSN nick will always have her blog address and she will also include the title of her latest entry. Today when I came online, I saw this title of her latest entry "My mum's 10th death anniversary and Falling Sick once again.." It got me very curious, so I went to her blog.
She talked about how her mother died. It was totally different from what I thought. First, she wasn't young. A 10 year old primary 4 girl is old enough to feel the pain of losing a mother. Whats worse. Secondly, her mother did not die as peacefully as what I thought. They were knocked down by motorcycle and she saw her mother lying beside her in a pool of blood. I cannot imagine myself seeing someone I know lying in a pool of blood, not to mention MY MOTHER. I think it is damn traumatising.
She wrote this "Thinking back now, the primary 4 girl has become a uni student, and 10 years has passed since her death.. i didnt remember much of the accident now, only remembered that i had a bum on my head (and the doc said that bum might make me stupid, yea right haha) ah, life is soo brittle, u never noe today might b the last day of ur life (touchwood! ) and u might not even live till tml.. so we these alive humans should cherish our 1 and only life, we never noe whats gonna happen 2 us in the next second, next min, next hour.. so i always do my best everyday, afraid 2 regret 4 not doing anything that i should have done in the 1st place.. "
Very thought evoking right? Life is so fragile. Your life and the lives of the people around you.
Look at her "Graduation Night Nightmare - Afraid of being lonely" too.
Sometimes, I will feel lonely and left out by friends. I don't like to be left out. I really don't. And I cannot stand people talking about things which happened w/o my presence becasue I don't like to be left out of things. I feel terrible if I'm lonely. I'm afraid of people walking out on me. And her this post made me feel fortunate. At least my classmates don't make fun of me like that. I think my friends wouldn't walk out on me. =D
Her blog
10 April 2006
its yu~
though i hardly blogs, i check our blog everyday one okies.. as long as im online~
aniwaes!!! i feel that though im part of this gang, i hardly noes anyone any better... cos i hardly join u guys n rarely talk much abt stuff with any of u also..
but last outing.. im glad, im so glad that those who went to mac... we shared stuff and i gotta noe u guys more.. =)
when is the girl outing that we wanted!!?? soon ya~
this week will be hard cos im having intensive dance training for my upcoming LeVi's dAnCe Com~
aniwaes ive been thinking of really saving up and going overseas with u guys.. actually.. the guys in NS... when u all can come out or when u all can apply for leave to go overseas or wad huh~ can we do this really soon... if not everytime just chalet and doing the same old thing.. its really boring!!
oh yah.. we were talking about goin east coast overnight and cycle and play games this weekend rite... hmmm ive got a prob now.. that is.. this sat nite i confirm cannot make it cos sunday is my competition!!
fri nite... hmm.. maybe i can go down after my dance to join u guys.. but that will be kinda late at abt 11 plus 12? so long u guys really wanna go this week... den i think i can only make it on fri~
i really wanna join this outing ar! so dun go without me`~
lastly, MAK JIA YUAN~ u see, im SOOOOOO kind to help u make yr pic looks so good in here.. would u please come back to this blog~ tag or post.. at least, make yr presence here~
and delon n chay n hui jie n des, if u guys reading this, i hope to see u guys at the next outing!! mUiHwEe also!!!
alrighty, see ya guys soon.. below are some edited pics.. hOho!! enjoy~
yU in Da hOuSe!