i am feeling very very itchy! my whole body is itchy like crazy! and not only that, my arms are covered with bites of flies and mosquitoes.. i have done some research, and i believe they are cause by sand flies, stable flies and mosquitoes.. they swell like mosquito bites, itch 3 times more and remains 5 times longer than a mosquitoe bite.. you can't scratch them cause they can spread onto your skin the more you scratch them.. it is damn uncomfortable!
i have seen a doctor.. and got prescribed some cream, antibiotics and some allergy pills... also gotten a jab.. but nothing seems to be helping yet.. i am still itching.. and the itch is gonna kill me soon...
it is so itchy that i cannot be bothered to feel paranoid by Final Destination 3, which i just watched with my best movie buddy ever..
FD3 is a great movie.. and i think FD has established a great reputation for itself, portraying logical fear, "happen-able" accidents / incidents and arouse a tremendously great amount of suspense for the audience.. but still, i am very impressed by the "logic" behind of all the FD movies.. like what my movie buddy said, i also think that the topic of "Death" is what the director has got people so addicted to FD.. and it is also the topic of death that made FD such a powerful movie that FD3 is possible today..
i am just trying to busy my fingers now by tying hard on the keyboard, so i wun feel tempted to scratch myself.. the temptation is very very strong.. damn..

thats a picture of the quail that i have to kill in jungle survival..
so cute right?
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