31 December 2007
Ubin AAR
Anyway rong dont worry, I went through all the 180plus photos of yesterday. Not that bad lah. Still can marry. Some quite natural one, can show your natural beauty. Hahaha. zi ran mei shi zui mei!
I thought yesterday was fun. Super tiring, hate the sweaty mixed with repellent niam niam feeling and quite dirty but still fun. But not once a week lah rong. We will die leh. I can just imagine how bruised my ass will be. Once every 3-6 months sounds more like it.
The weather was super cooperative too! Only started to drizzle a little on the way home. You know those gross water marks drizzles leave on your car, esp a black car. With 3 little birds who marched past and decided to do some big business on my car as well.
Eh Mak, I have a plan. Since you were worrying about mud in your van as well. Next time we should organise post-trip-activities like car washing. Take it as an act of gratitude for the transport and some form of bonding. Idea? Haha.
Haiya I am bored lah. SIANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 40 mins to knock off. Woohooo.
Have a great start to 2008 guys!
Ubin Pics
30 December 2007
been having a super bad running nose since ytd, so sorry dint picked up so many of yr calls too!
till then, Happy 2008!!!! we're all gonna be a year older again. =))) have a good year!
U-bin, I-bin, We-bin to Ubin!
Facebook, or my internet, seems to be having some problems at this moment, and for the past 30 minutes. My back is aching and I need to go take a break. I shall try to upload whatever little and 3.2 megapixels photos I have tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, rest well and drink plenty of water.
29 December 2007
Battle Plans - Updated
It totally slipped my mind that the boyfriend in on 24 hour shift tonight and will end shift at 9am.
So the plan now is I will leave my house at 9am with my jazzy baby, take a 15 min drive down to TAB to pick him up, and say hello to Delon if he is there. 15min just nice for him to pack up and walk out to TAB main gate.
Then it will take another 5 mins to drive back to his place, I will drop him to get his stuff, then go pick Yirong. Yirong please be on standby mode by 915 and once I activate you with a ring on your handphone you will make your way downstairs and meet me and my jazzy baby by the road.
After that we will go back and pick up the boyfriend, change drivers so I can sleep and chill, hopefully all this is done by 930.
Then head down for Siewyu. We will call you to let you know when you need to come down. Will pick you from where I dropped you the other time. Hopefully Siewyu will be comfortably in my car by 10am.
He says he think that we can reach the jetty by 10.30am. Roads will be clear. He knows the way well.
So in order not to hold up everyone else, the people in Mak's van can go have their breakfast, assuming you guys reach at 10 punctually. And the people in my car will eat at home. And to make a concession, I allow little bites in my car. Means things like bread, sandwiches, biscuit. Don't da bao beehoon or nasi lemak in lah k? And PLEASE try not to drop your bread crumps or anything or spill your milk or orange juice. Spotting a roach in my car might mean losing my life in an attempt to end the roach's life. You certainly wouldn't want that to happen, do you? *innocent act cute blink*
So, if everything goes according to plan, and you guys can wallop your breakfast by 1030, we will be heading towards the queue at the jetty and woohoo Pulau Ubin here the gang comessss!
We have 11 people. There's one more space in my car and one more space in the boat. So if Delon, Shiyin, Mui, Den decides to come, give me a ring by tonight. Or if Andrew or Derik decides to join the gang in some fun, the respective girlfriends let me know and due to time constraint, as long as I don't have to make another trip to elsewhere to pick him, I am totally cool.
Alrighty guys, the rest of you who are not mentioned ie Chay, Cherry, Weilun, Jianwei, Huijie, please be at Blk 115 at 9am SHARP! If anyone is disgustingly late (meaning happen to wake up only at 9am), I can go pick that person up in order not to hold up the rest. But there's only one space, so first come first serve. Second person can take the boot if he wish. If you miss the second round of transport too then I am afriad you have to meet us there. 20bucks might be enough for a cab ride. I say might. Someone can do the test and let me know. :)
I will give the people in my car a morning call slightly before 9 to ensure that they are up. I will be up by 815 or 830. So anyone else who needs a morning call, you can sms me to activate this one time service.
Thats about it. Remember to pack your repellent, water, money. Handphones and cameras in ziplock bag. Bring your cap or shades if you wish. I suggest bringing a small umbrella ella ella eh eh or poncho in your bag, just in case. Bring a set of clean clothes for change too. Go for backpack or pouches, avoid sling bag.
What else?
Not the first time we are going Ubin anyway. This is getting too naggy. Heee. I will be bringing camera lah, you guys can don't bring. My photos will be on facebook within 24hours most of the time. Speaking of which, siewyu where's our chalet photoss?????????
See you guys tomorrow row row row row.
28 December 2007
Battle Plans: Transport
Okay, I presume Chay is not going to make me and my girl separate by putting her on Peg's car right? Haha! Well, neither will I separate you and your partner by making you two take different transport. And just to confirm, I didn't see Shiyin's name on the list, is she going?
Anyway, correct me if I am wrong, but here's the Trasnport Plan:
Group A: Mak, M's girl, Jianwei, Weilun, Chay, Chay's girl and Huijie.
Group B: Peggen, ChanHao, Siewyu, Yirong (and Shiyin?)
If the above is correct, then here's my plan for my side:
I will pick up Jianwei, Weilun, Chay, Cherry and Huijie...
At Jianwei's Void-deck... So that if he is late we can go and tear down his door. Haha!
At 9am. 9am because max legal speed is 70km/h. So be at Blk 115, nearest LRT is Keat Hong, just opposite the Esso petrol kiosk by the road.
Any objections or suggestion can call me or SMS me. If all's agreeable, put something up by the chatbox to let me know the plan is on. By the way, the part about tearing J.Lim's door down is purely a joke. Seriously, leopard can change spots. He is seldom late nowadays. *Pat on the back* Keep it up Jonathan! Haha.
Mak Jay
Nominal Roll
In alphabetical order.
1. Chay
2. Chay partner
3. Huijie
4. Jian wei
5. Mak
6. Mak partner
7. Peg
8. Peg partner
9. Siewyu
11. Yirong
I got a plan for the transport. The guys will mount mak minibus and the girls will mount peg car. Just nice for the bum boat cause the will only leave when we pay for 12 people.
The conducting will be chay, supervising will be chay again and safety will be jian wei. Will be very safe. Ask your parents dun worry. If got any injury jian wei will be there to treat. Got snake bite he will suck. If we need any help, i got the number for the police station over there. THERE IS NO TIGER, MONSTER or GODZILLA in ubin. If your parents make noise say not safe, just tell them your are led by professional. ( yes i am )
27 December 2007
Date: 30122007 Sunday
Venue: Changi Village
Time: 1000
Attire: Outdoor and light colour, dun spray perfume or watever deO
Things to bring
1. Extra clothes
2. Enough money ( $4 for boat rides and extras for food and drink)
3. Ziplock your electronics stuff
4. Your own medication and plaster
Activities for the day
1. Meet up with respective drivers ( million thanks to mak and peg)
2. Gather at changi village for breakfast ( 10am gather to eat)
3. Bum boat ride to Ubin
4. Ride bicycle until backside pain, simple picnic and tour of the place.
5. Back to mainland.
A very simple post here cause it is now 0430 early in the morning. If got any changes or any suggestions, pls feel free to tag or call me. I will post the nominal roll for the outing later in the day.
25 December 2007
Merry Xmas!
Whoa, planning for Chinese New Year at this time is really fore-fore-foresight. Haha! But at least now we all know what date to keep free. Something, is always better than nothing. I will do my best to keep that evening free. Great, yet another gathering!
As for the Ubin cycling, we first need a date. I can't work out anything without a date. Weekends shouldn't be a problem for the van, provided the old horse don't break down. The rear can legally hold 7 backsides, so should be more than enough for us since Peg is gonna drive too. Hit me last minute with a date for the outing and chances are I probably have to abort, because my girl is clearing her leave these days, meaning I have to plan program till next year. Chay, or whoever is planning this one, try to give me 1 or 2 days in advance notice via SMS, just in case I don't come here.
The year 2007 is left with just a handful of days. Make this year meaningful if you haven't already done so. Settle whatever outstanding things, set resolutions and enjoy the remaining of 2007. It ain't coming back again, you know.
I know Chinese New Year is one and a half month's time, but no harm planning ahead. If there's gonna be something, steamboat or anything at my place, its gonna be on chu 3, 9 Feb (saturday) so keep it free first ok, just in case.
I am on for Ubin cycling and the boyfriend wants to go and play with his Sony toy too. And that means there's confirm going to be 3 spaces in the car available, on a first come first serve basis. Call now to avoid disappointment! Mak, you driving? It will solve alot of logistics and punctuality issues if you can get your van.
Chay, your call now. What time are we supposed to report at the jetty? Make it happen! And pray for the sun!
21 December 2007
Elementary, My Dear Watson
On the 16th this month, at around 9am in the morning, Weilun exclaimed a loss of his sleeping bag cover. It was said to be dark blue in colour, with a black nylon string as a fasterner and a carrier. After a thorough search of the entire chalet, the group could not explain how the bag has disappeared into thin air.
Prime suspects, based on the 2 principles: Motive, and the Ability to carry it out.
Mui Hwee. After Friday night, where her sleeping bag has been possessed by M.Jay, she has naturally become more defensive and possessive of her belongings. And in the cold, hard floor of the chalet, her sleeping bag's value trippled that of what she paid for it suddenly. With her sleeping bag being a similar colour as Lun's, she could have taken it by mistake - and with her sleeping in the same corner as Lun, she easily could have.
HJ. He spent a cold Saturday night on the floor, despite sleeping next to Lun. Lun has offered to share the bag, but HJ turned him down. Lun enjoyed warmth and comfort that night, making it possible that HJ could have turned nasty in the middle of the night and harboured evil thoughts. It didn't take him long for him to put a plan together. At daybreak, HJ could have sneak the cover into his pockets, then using Rong as an alibi, dump the cover outside the chalet with the pretext of getting roti prata, knowing that Lun would never search every dustbin in Bukit Batok.
Alright, I am just joking there. No offense to anyone. I am just bored and decided to let my imagination run abit wild. I used to wanna join the Police Force when I was young, you know. Haha!
The culprit: M.Jay. On hanging my jacket back into the wardrobe, I saw a blue fabric dropped on the floor. Then I realised that Lun's sleeping bag cover was with me the whole while! He was sleeping where my bag was, and with the black jacket, black bag, and dark blue cover, I could have dumped everything into my bag and left the chalet. It didn't strike me to fling open the jacket to look for the cover at the chalet, and I know I should bloody had done that. Keke.
The lost has been returned to the owner today. Washed and cleaned, with my jacket of course, I hope I have value added Lun's sleeping bag cover. Next time when I need to share sleeping bag, I know who to ask now. *Wink* And next time, if anyone is missing anything, I will ensure that the rest will perform a "standby-luggage" - the military style of pouring everything out from your bag and laying it out for inspection. Even a packet of tissue must be stripped clean!
And so, the case has been solved. Its not Mui. Not HJ. Its me.
Haha! M.Jay going mad. Anyway, I think J.Lim can't make it on Sunday as he got tuition. 30 Dec is a Sunday. How?
Friday Night
20 December 2007
Okay lar, no worries everyone. Everything is fine and alright now. =)
No emo, no hard feelings now. We're all 21 years old. Aiyo i think those blog hoppers might be laughing to themselves now mann.
Peace now. I will take note of my behaviours next time, maybe to treat you guys with a distance now. No more feelings of comfy and zi zai. These cause troubles. -_-
Anyway, when's our next meet-up? Someone organise pls. This sat all free for chevrons?
(yeah, didn't expect to be me huh. haha.)
19 December 2007
its gonna be a long post..
haha!...dun worry we will always be friends...i'm not like mak...wat spider...fighting fish turn wat water red...dog bite he wan to say they sink their jaw into each other neck...all the hao lian words and sentence all come out liao lo...frm animal to soccer to social issues...always like that la...go one big round to say something...this one i knoe Chinese we call 寒沙射影...rite?? k pardon me hor..my Eng isnt that good...e8 standards...将就点啦!
大家都变了。。。nobody dare to deny this..hor den hor mak?..who who wan to object!!....u might not be aware of that..but pple around u will knoe...i didnt knoe i become more and more handsome ar...until u all tell me...wahaha...we cant see our own changes but others do..but one thing that will not change is our memories...pls refer to the photos under the post "precious moment"...we were and we are very good friends... its not easy to meet each others not say being good frens with each other..sleeping under the same roof..scold each other vulgar language without thinking twice...u think its possible to do this to others...maybe not fer me...
peg always say i'm the emo one..sit down there keep quiet...act emo...k now i can tell u y...cos its onli because when i'm with u all then i can do that..没人能看到我那一面...simply because i dun feel awkward when i dun talk in front of u guys...对我来说,好朋友是能说话能一起出去玩,很好的朋友却是当你跟他或他们在一起时,虽然不说话但也不觉得尴尬...对吗?actually i'm a quite autistic person...dun realli like to talk...aiyah no one will believe me one la..ha...
人以人之间的关系是很复杂的,没有对或错,没有一个坊程式能处理一切....i jus receive ur msg shiyin....haven reply u...ha five mins ya? nobody is perfect...if i were to reply yes to shiyin sms...then i will say if any of u all except her send me that sms... i will reply yes also....this has been like this all along...since sec sch days ma....but y we still can stay as good frens till now? i dunno how u all can but i knoe how i can....
i noe i have always been a latecomer fer any of outings...sometimes u all are piss...but i believe till now nobody realli dislike me fer that rite..arrrrrrrr...i think so hor?? ha...cos u all REN ma...thanks hor...i will change one...see now i seldom late...+wink to peg+...wahaha..the key word here is ren...give in...this is wat i believe will solve everything...if there is a need we shall all sit down and talk..yaya?? maybe a 科兰之02年校友第一百零一个会议???
I am wincing and frowning in pain...Mui lowers her glance silently, confused and concerned. Lun will plead in his mind for peace to return quickly. Mak tries to diffuse the conflict by being the fool. Chay comes in with one-liners to attract some anger to himself with the intent to ease the tension....these shows that we all care...everyone care fer the group but in diff way......honestly speaking the chalet wasnt a successful one i believe...and i can understand in the past....how the organisers feel....disappointed, pissed, disheartened, sense of violence within them...wan to punch pple..k as long as we try our best then ok le ma...dun be disappointed...the recent chalet event was filled with laughter on the surface but behind the scene i see daggers flying around...eh now u all knoe y i frown in pain ma...中刀不过不能喊痛.....y cant we say out everything in a peaceful manner...like how we use to talk to each other in the past...
sian type until gym closes le...see such a big sacrifice..no one is perfect...i knoe i got a lot of bad pts..perpetual lateness...nonsensical...tend to say something that is hurtful to anyone...that piss off anyone...today i'm here sincerely...say sorry to anyone...i'm open to any feedback...+ve or -ve..in our group..我们不分男nu, 不分"种族", 不谈面子, 就只是一群朋友....朋友是不记仇....不记小节...
this post is not to pick on anybody...not to lecture anyone...but to remind me that i have a good of good friends...i noe i have no right to say anything cos i didnt do much fer the group...but i jus wan to do my part as a fren...u all can choose to read or ignore this....o ya...one last thing...dun mention abt leaving the group...cos u already 签了投名状....no turning back...this is a hei dian...even if u leave the group dun join our outing...u will always be part of the group..understand everyone...we will always ask u fer every outing...make u feel guilty...wahaha!! I still got a lot to type but dunno how to put it in words...kkk my lang isnt very good...so if any part sounds buey song or irritate anyone...i owe u an apology..when u see me then u get that "sorry" frm me personally...
signed off
GP E8 student....
18 December 2007
honestly, i dun feel that im close to any of you guys anymore, i know how much i've allowed myself to drift away from this gang.
some of you might know why, some of you might think its nothing. but honestly the reason im away from you guys, come largely from you guys. and i wish, i seriously wish things wouldn't be the way it is.
cos to me, you guys have always been a part of my life that i never wanted to miss out. i had so much so much with you guys, right from the start, where gatherings are mostly held at my Yew Tee home, at Delon's place, the study room etc etc.
some memories along the way became vague to me.. cos i drifted away. and i only stayed close to those few who's been beside me. i dunno how to communicate with you guys, for a period of time, i only allowed myself to come and go, come and go. or don't turn up at all, cos its really awkward for me. i was hurt, super hurt, and i can only go away.
but however, ultimately, this is still a gang of friends whom i strongly believe it is meant to last, till our marriage, till we have kids in the future. i can picture that. =)
and though i might know little of some of you, i long that i could know more, and i long that i can be honest and share with you guys openly again. you guys refering to EVERYONE. i long to talk to Mak about his dreams and future, about his dog. i long to talk to Lun more abt his life and tuition students and his school, i long to know more abt Chay n Cherry, i long to understand what Den is thinking, hoping that he will open up. i long to share with Peg abt my life, i long to talk to Mui Hwee about boy problems, i long to step into Hui Jie's life more.
i just wish i can be so much more open with you guys! its painful to be just a .... participant. i wish i can put as much as efforts as Mak or Peg or Shiyin who's been doing a lot of organising for us this few years... of cos everybody played a part somewhere, somewhat. everyone is so important in here. yet i feel like im just a participant whereby, with or without me it doesnt make a difference.
this isn't an emo post. hahaha. im just being honest about my thoughts and hope you guys can know. =)
i seriously care about this group of friends, if it seems like i dint, im sorry for the lack of efforts. putting the past aside, i hope i can know each of you once again... =)))
thanks for being part of this gang. thank you everybody. Merry Christmas!
with Love,
17 December 2007
Till now, i can still smile at the thought of the games played and silly events which happened during the gang chalet.
Some highlights:
1) Mak's look on his face when he woke up finding no one around in the big hall room.
2) 'Super clever' Lun to stand and shout 'SUPERMAN' while playing heart attack.
3) Idiotic Jian scratching his chest during heart attack.
4) Drunkard HJ before DXO.
5) Crazy Chay bringing 'niak' and his terroist cover.
6) Twice attacks on Jian's nipples with Chay's niak.
7) The 'sexual' attack on Chay's nipple by Jian. (Chay seems to be enjoying every moment of it)
8) The 'Wu Zong Xian' game which caused much laughters.
9) 'Creative' qns asked by Mak during pressie exchange. (the 1st qn was asking about lun's index no. in pri sch!)
10) The stupid 'ai mei' song sang to yu.
I can't recall all now. But definitely there'll be some more.
These should be kept in the heart actually. However, I just hope when i read these archives back the next time, i will be smiling 'sillily' to the screen again. =)
We make spiders fight each other in match boxes. We watch crickets fight in glass jars. We cheer when roosters peck each other blind in fighting pens. We don't get satisfied till we see one of the two fighting dogs sink their jaws into the other's neck. We boast about the fighting fish that never lost a fight, tainting the water red with the weaker's blood.
Tickets sales record are made when Liverpool plays Manchester United. Simply because we know these two teams will play extra hard. We know the fans will cheer extra loud. We know something controversial always happen - players would lash a kick at rival fans, someone would spit at the rival manager, a team might just surround a referee and abuse him, rival fans could start a riot in the stands. And we love watching it happen.
We love to see artistes going for each other's neck - remember the Slim10 lawsuit? We would either sit back and enjoy the outcome, smiling away. Or we would take sides and show our support. Join in the aggression, and still love watching it happen.
Here's a reason why no one should be walking away from this gang. Here's a reason why the people in this gang should never try to be hurtful to one another. Here's a reason why no one in the gang has the right to show bad attitude and be pissed about anything. And I'll tell you why:
This gang is different. Like a pack of wolves, a herd of elephants, a flock of geese - we don't fight our own. Some of us handle it better than the rest, but we should always try to perfect it. Increasing the volume is body language for "Shut up and submit to me." Showing a black face and walking away alone is challenging "Damn, I need better company." And we all know who have been guilty of these actions.
We all have, at times.
But, we need to outgrow it. See, life never stops. We are all moving on so rapidly that it makes secondary school days seems so long ago, painfully long at times. We meet like 4 times a year, and it doesn't help if we want to be aggressive every time we meet. There is no "top dog" within us. We don't need a proper, defined "leader". There is no lead actors or supporting actresses. Everyone shares the pole position, and everyone shares the limelight.
J.Lim winces and frowns in pain whenever there is a dispute within. Mui lowers her glance silently, confused and concerned. Lun will plead in his mind for peace to return quickly. Mak tries to diffuse the conflict by being the fool. Chay comes in with one-liners to attract some anger to himself with the intent to ease the tension. These are some examples, but of course, everyone in the group has their own way to contribute. And I must say, we should be glad that no one is standing around and cheering. No one is adding fuel to the fire and trying to fan the flames.
That, is reason enough, I hope.
We don't need a leader in the group to lead us in the right direction. We all know where that is. Knowing Lun's primary school index number, the date Rong hurt herself and Yu's street number is a step in the right direction. All that selflessness of HJ and Rong getting breakfast for everyone else is another. Volunteering pots and pans from her own home is just how Yin has made her contribution to the right direction too. Driving home those bulky items and storing them in her own home is Peg steering in too. See?
Say NO to aggression. If you FRIEND, don't FIGHT. If you see any aggressive articles, please inform M.Jay, or call "Mak, Mak, Mak".
Remember, you don't need to see Mak gone in a dragon boating accident before this gang can get together again. Cherish this friendship. You never know when it might be gone forever.
(who else writes this long?)
Many events had indeed happened within this gang. Regardless of whether it's unhappiness, happiness, anger, disappointment, etc.
But, how do we feel the real happiness when there's no downs at all? Okay abit out of link i know. I just wanna stress on that, no matter how disappointed or angry you feel towards some certain people in this gang, it should end with a 'forgive and forget' mindset since we had all grown up. And of course, true friendship doesn't come so easily.
However, sometimes when you're reprimanding someone about his/her mistake, do think of your own too. Because when no one reprimands you about your mistake, it doesn't mean that you've never made one before. Not pin-pointing at whoever now, it's just my point of view and frankly, i'm still at the learning stage for this too.
One thing i have to say is, i really feel very comfortable and zi zai with the gang everytime and anywhere! I can stop acting like a shu nv when i'm with you guys. I can talk as dirty as i can too. Hahaha. And I feel really glad to be part of this gang. =) And as i can vividly remember, i was one of the last few to join this gang. I never regret bugging rong to ask me along for every outing back then. (",)
Regarding this chalet, personally i had my share of fun and i really enjoyed all the silly yet fun games in the big hall room. Hoping for more to come. =)
Love you guys!
16 December 2007
Precious Moments

Newton Chalet on 23 Dec 2005

14 Dec 2007 Home Team NS rugged chalet
And the lack of photos does not mean we forget the other time at Downtown East (raspberry vodka) and the one at Changi, cycling at Ubin, the one I will never forget, the super ulu and haunted one and the very pathetic camping at Sentosa with heavy downpour and sleeping in the toilet.
Since 2003, this is our 6th chalet. A little maths tells me that its 1.2 times per year. And a little simple statistics tells me that this is the clique I have "slept" most with.
And without fail, chalets always leave some of us feeling happy, high, angry, pissed, emo, sad. Things usually happen during, or after chalets, at least I thought. Through the years, chalets also make me know my friends in this gang better. I know who snores, who you can't disturb when they are sleeping, who slacks, who works, who cares, who doesn't, who will automatically do what they need to do, who will do what they need to do when pushed, to whom pushing doesn't help, who are the silent angels, who are the ones whom I can depend on, who can't drink and the list goes on.
There were so many times, I wanted to walk out of this gang. The reason I changed my picture to the one on the left, some time back, was to signify some form of walking away. Haha, abit childish, I know. There were times I wanted to just totally remove myself but somehow, somewhat, the deities up there stopped me from doing it.
So many significant things in my life has happened within this gang. First was the trialathon with Mak and eventhough it was my third so-called relationship, it was when I learnt about love and what giving your all to someone you care was all about. Then I had Den who was willing to give me his all and pamper me like a princess but I eventually had to let down. Including the respective break ups, that totalled to 8 significant events in my life.
Relationship aside, wars made up another sector of Peg's significant events in life. The war with Mak was one big influence to walk away. In fact I think you top the chart for being the one who appeared most in my significant events in life. Then came Yirong. And I really really wanted to leave this gang for good because, at that time, I didn't see any point in being part of this anymore and I feel that I do not deserve all this shit when I put in so much effort in this gang. There are way too many bad memories embedded in this clique that I really really wanted to leave and not be involved in anything anymore.
Those factors, together with bad responses for outings and pangsehing, was the reason I stopped being active to just take a back seat. And the reason I took a back seat instead of leaving was probably similar to why a lot of people hold on to relationships eventhough they have this and that problem - 放不下.
Because of those 3 words, I have slipped from a lead actress in this gang, to just a supporting actress (ok, watching star awards now lah), but I am glad to still be part of it. Let's imagine that the gang gives me a star award, I really want to thank all of you (台前幕后)for giving me this chance to be part of you guys. You guys made me learn so much about handling relationship (and I am still learning). You guys gave me the leadership opprtunity to lead, to instruct and to plan. So I really thank you guys for accepting this out-of-nowhere-netball-girl. If you notice, I am the only non-NPCC-choir person in the gang. And I would like to thank the person whom brought me into this gang. You are the only one who missed my birthday speech about how grateful I am to you for this gang of friends. Without you, I will not be here, going for chalets every year, having the chance to train my vocals, having people I can trust to help in my family business, having people whom I know I can depend on and obviously, if not for you, I will not be here saying all these. Thank you Mak! Not gay, FF!
I would also like to thank the people whom are always there for me.
This innocent girl Yirong whom genuinely feel happy for me when I know some of my friends don't. The one whom I could call at any hour to cry to when the above-mentioned made me cry. The one whom will always say nice things in an attempt to make me feel better. If not for you, I will never survive that period of time, and I will probably be seeing a shrink. It is one of my greatest regret that we are no longer on each other's speed dial and I can't be there for you like how you used to be here for me. And everytime I read about how you thank your friends for standing by you and being there for you, I feel a tinge of pain and regret that I can't do the same to you. But I am still glad that you are the one whom I can tell whats the immediate thing troubling me when the situation arises. (in the car)
And of course, ShiYin, one of the best companions I can ever have. You will not believe how appreciative I felt when you were the one whom I ended up talking to when I really really felt like shit, felt so bad and did not know who to turn to. I know I am weird in a sense that even when I am desperate for someone to listen to me, I am still choosy about who that pair of ears could be. That night when I did not think that you were the best person to talk to about the specific topic, you gave me such good feedback and maybe its pure physcological, I really did feel better! Although at times you irritate the hell out of me, I am still glad I can talk to you about so many things and I don't even have to finish my sentence before you know what I really meant and how I really feel. Thanks for being such a good companion.
Overrun. Gotta end my thank you speech.
The truth is, there are times I evaluate the importance of this gang in my life. And to be very honest, your ranking in my life have dropped quite a bit over the years. Every now and then, I tell myself that I have to be understanding and accepting because we have all grown up and we lead very different lives, compared to the school days when our schedules were so similar and we knew what one another was doing at any point in the year. But sadly, the fact that we are all grown up and leading different lifestyles are also why the ranking dropped. There were times I feel a mismatch of frequency, being left speechless about comments made, and not to mention clashes in schedules and being busy with so many different things etc.
Someone, I forgot who, mentioned yesterday that the only constant thing in life is change. Someone else also told me "你以前不是这样的" or something along that line. I can't agree more to it. And as each of us continue to move on in life and change, the gang will change even more. When we all have our families and children, you definitely wouldn't expect that gang to still go for monthly KTV and annually chalets. And you wouldn't expect me to call you and scream at you asking why you are not singing KTV with us when you have 2 children at home waiting to be fed milk and have their diapers changed. You get the idea.
Very sadly, this chalet did not live up to my expectations, it wasn't as fun as how I imagined it to be. Not sure if its worth 12 dollars of taxi and a few bucks of petrol. But whether you see it as fortunately or unfortunately, facing such disappointments is also a skill I picked up and constantly re-teach myself.
To whoever is the leader and organiser for the gang, the trick to stay happy is not to be so uptight about everything.
Easier said than done and I am obvious not perfect in it, but the next thing I want to say is that all of us, no matter where we are and who we are dealing with, should learn emotion management, anger management and possibly PMS management (note "possibly"). Because your emotions affects other people more than how you would think it does and it can be a multiplier effect.
I hope I don't come across as preaching but it would be lovely if we are more appreciative towards what our friends do for us.
Here's a big thank you to: -
ShiYin for the yummy food. BBQ and healthy ai xin soup. For all the effort, taking leave for this chalet, the initiation and organising. Without you this chalet will notbe possible.
Jianwei for booking the chalet! And I just want to redeem him by saying that I was the one who suggested him to get the rugged one instead of the one with bed so that it can accomodate more people and I thought it would be more fun to have that kinda space. The chats and games before we sleep and while we wait and kill time was exactly what I wanted out of the rugged chalet. 有福同享,有难同担。So stop complaining about the hard floor ok!
Mak for coming out with all the arrangements for present exchange. Of course I want to steal abit of credit by saying that I helped in the development of the idea and coming up with some of the questions. Haha! If not who else would Lun's primary school index number and Den's mum's age?!
HuiJie for buying breakfast lunch dinner. You are the sweetest lah!
To everyone in this gang, thanks for being part of my life and thanks for being part of yours. Whether you let out a sigh of disappointment or a heave of relief, I am not walking out of this gang - as of now. Unless something happens again, I am here to stay, whether you like it or not, you will be seeing my face and reading my emowheemo long post which heads nowhere.
Your friend,
13 December 2007
to excel in knowledge.
Be creative, and uphold integrity.
Kranjians, we shall be worthy, of nation and family!
Eager to learn, and succeed. We *very fast words* and goodwill.
HAHAHAHA. I am getting abit excited about the chalet. And I amazed myself by thinking of our school song while thinking about party "Back to school" party. And I can remember lyrics! They are correct right??????
Tell me where you get your body from?
I got it from my mama!
Can't wait to party with you all.
peg them up!
Final Battle Plans
And let's do a summary of events for those people who are pretty blur on the happenings. Firstly, the chalet is (oh my goodness!) TOMORROW! Please don't forget that the chalet is tomorrow and then turn up next Friday or something. There will be an ADVANCE PARTY going there to check in first, and the party consist of J.Lim, Den, Yin and M.Jay. Our roles are crucial. Between the time of 2pm till when the main bulk of people come, we MUST check in; check that the beds and pillows are sleepable; check that our deck of poker cards are complete; check that whatever entertainment is possible will be possible. Thus, let's all agree to free the advance party from cooking at the BBQ. Deal.
From the look of things, DXO seems to be the venue for Friday night. That will probably last us till morning, and we will probably get wasted till like noon. Hope Yin has got the food up and ready. She has volunteered to marinate the BBQ stuff at her place, another reason why she should not cook at the BBQ, and I think the order has been placed for the rest of the food. J.Lim is bringing some vodka, I am bringing (the hated) Chivas. We also need... Oh boy, this summary is not a summary anymore. Alright, lets sum this up for real:
1. Club Attire. Remember shoes!
2. Your WRAPPED present for the gift exchange.
3. Alcohol, for those who have.
4. Money, for we will try to solve the accounts there and then. Don't drag till next Xmas.
5. Your Kranjian-Thing. Preferably something that will make an impact on camera. Which means that a collar pin the size of my thumbnail will be rejected.
6. Bring whatever damn thing you think can be entertaining. Balls, cards, whips and handcuffs..
Call the advance party if you have any quries:
For information on timing and facilities, please press "Jonathan"
For information on food and beverages, please press "Shiyin"
For information on gift exchange and miscellanous entertainment, please press "Mak"
For information on the babes going and any other things, please press "Den"
11 December 2007
Lets give this chalet something special to remember by. And to do this, I suggest we all wear something Kranji on one of the days. Probably BBQ night. I had this inspiration when I was packing my wardrobe and come across this piece of KSS garment that hadn't been worn for years. In fact, that's my last piece of garment from KSS. I have got nothing left to wear to remember Kranji anymore. So I wonder if you people have thrown away those House T-shirts, CCA T-shirts, or whatever piece of garment that tells the world you are from Kranji?
If you are on for the idea, let just see you put your support on the chatbox here, so I can judge whether I wanna bring mine there. Can just imagine us wearing shirts that we used to wear 8 years ago! That gong dai Jian Wei now and then.. The Den in his grey nighthawk with that ti-ko face.. Yirong in her red, and abit "lum nua" Rhino.. Of course, the champions Jaguar have to be me and Miss Peggen! Speaking of which, I clearly remember a few of us guys admiring the sexy netball and basketball (girl's, of course) jersey.. Not to mention the extemely comical NP t-shirt that looks like Starhub promoters.. Haha! In fact, I think I can remember all our houses!!!
Kestrel - Mui Hwee and Jianwei...
Rhino - Chay, Delon, Hui Jie, Yirong, Desmond!
Albatross - No one!
Nighthawk - Weilun, Den, Siewyu
Jaguar - Mak J, Peggen
Ibex - Elaine Dang!
Agreeable, give a shout out. Not agreeable, explain on the chatbox too.. So we know if we should "push" this idea. And these days really always rain in the afternoon till night. We should be prepared.
Mak Jay
08 December 2007
Date: 15th Dec (BBQ night)
Budget: S$10 - S$20
Style: Almost like a lucky draw, but with a weird twist. Mak Jay's incharge of that twist.
Participant: The Originals, of course. Girlfriends and boyfriends are optional, which means if they bring a gift, they get a gift.
Must Do: Wrap the gift up before it reaches the chalet. Try to make it unisexual.
Cannot Do: Don't tell people what you bought (duh!) Don't buy food - means no chocoloates, no candies, nothing that should be able to end up in the mouth. Don't get vouchers - not from World of Sports, not from Royal Sporting House, not from Adidas, not from our good old NTUC.
Okay. We have less than a week to go search for the gift, so put some effort in it. We seldom have a big event with almost full strength together. This is like our once a year, big event to commenmerate our friendship - like the shepard and his girl up there in the sky. So really, make it funny, make it happening, make it blast sky high!
Hate to make it sound like National Day but here goes:
"Celebrating 8 years of Frienship - Growing in Harmony!"
Mak Jay
ps: why is this account in Japanese? must be shiyin's idea...
06 December 2007
In fact, i'm fine with anything. So, do you guys wanna vote or feedback?
And anyway, who's holding on to the steamboat now?
05 December 2007
As for Friday night party, I don't know how Zouk on Fridays are like. But I think DXO got free entry and free flow drinks for ladies on Fridays. Guys wise not very ex I think, with 2 drinks. I went once, the crowd abit yucks but music not too bad. If we big group then I guess the crowd doesn't really matter. Or we keep our eyes and ears open for parties with free entries lor. And I think we should have pre party drinks in the chalet before going club. Then can save on drinks there? Or we can keep the drinks for sat night BBQ and drinking games lahh. Better actually.
Ok, I am abit incoherent. Haha.
I will be away from tmr to wed. So if there's anything, call or sms me.
This time round, if I see anyone going to be gone soon, I will make myself gone first!! Haha. Strategy. I think I have earned enough credits for you all to take care of me. MUahahhaa.
In the meantime, everyone keep your ears and eyes open for any parties on 15th Dec!
PS: Why is our blogger in Japppppp????????
04 December 2007
1) We shall order the food from the website Peg recommended.
2) Some (including me) go get the ck wings on FRI and i will marinate and place in my house fridge first. On SAT, we shall all go Shop N Save together to get whatever food we would like to eat.
Which do you all prefer?
And btw, on last sun, we 4 (me, peg, mak and huijie) had agreed on the itinerary for the chalet. Just wondering if you guys are fine with it.
The below itinerary is IF we're getting the food on our own.
Fri Afternoon: Check in and get ck wings first. After that, we can go CDANS for some activites if there's time. Then, everyone dress up and get ready to chiong the night! Yeah, we shall go clubbing, shall we? Hehe. We've decided to choose places where there's free entry b4 9pm or 11pm. (I know St James is before 9pm) Whatever it is, we can always go in and get the chop first!
After clubbing, get ready to get high in the chalet playing 'HU KE CHUAN ZHANG' or whatever! ^_^
Sat: Wake up, and get ready to chiong the supermarket! After that, we will just get ready for the BBQ. Anyway, if possible, bring your partner along also can. They will be counted as a share in the food too. It will be a BBQ night all the way then. Perhaps more games after that! =)
Sun: Heard from Jian that we needa check out around 9-10am right? Hoho. Early huh? But it's alright, i just need to walk a little to get back home and catch my beauty sleep again. HOHOHO.
Anyway, if we are going to get the food from the website, the time we will be using to chiong supermarket shall be used for some other activities in CDANS or what. Maybe swimming or singing or whatever we can find inside. I'm not really sure of the facilities in CDANS too.
And guys, i believe Jian's in charge of the chalet cost. As for the food, i have no idea of how many will be sharing. So, can you pls SMS me whether you're coming for sat BBQ when you see this? Thanks!
27 November 2007
and as for entertainment wise, lol, im gonna contribute the game 'Twister'! cos im getting it for my fren's bday chalet, so can bring over and play with u guys also, hope it'l be fun! other than that, i'll bring cards la, then whatever u guys wanna do la~
eh.. that's all? k till then ~ =)
19 November 2007
16 October 2007
Rong - 22nd
Peg - 7th
Mui - Any Week
Me - Any Week
Jian - Any week (Jian, it's 15th not 14th, sorry. hah. so any week for you?)
Lun - Any Week except last
Mak - I assume any week
Den - I assume any week
HJ - I assume any week
Delon - Whenever he can
Chay - Any week
Des - No response
Erm, up till now, we have a vote for 8th, a vote for 15th and a vote for 22nd.
Basically, we try to accomodate everyone in lor. So whoever DIE DIE also cannot make it on any week, pls reponse in the tagboard or post and we shall avoid that week, since most of us are flexible.
For the games, i was thinking if we could come up with those unusual games, we could actually prepare the 'props' at home first that's why i suggested everyone to brainstorm first. But as what peg said, it would be more fun if we decide on that day itself, so shall be it. Save my trouble from preparing 'props' too.
For the BBQ catering, i guess i'm fine with the idea. So Lun and Peg going to headhunt for this right? Great.
As for the chalet, if you guys want CDANS or GOMBAK GOLF CLUB, you know, i really don't mind. But i just feel that, might as well you guys pay me then come my house chalet? Because the distance between CDANS and my BLK is like erm, 50 steps away??? Hahaha. Eh can we avoid CDANS or GOMBAK not? To me, chalet machiam like no chalet leh. =( How come Lun suggested CDANS btw? Near my house huh? Then see if can bump into any FAMILIAR person? Muahahahaaa.
Let's go Pasir Ris lar! Hahaha. Got beach somemore. Nicer crowds and atmosphere.
I'm able to go for 3 Days 2 Nights btw. (Sat-Mon)
But provided most of us can stay for the 2nd night, then we shall settle on 3 Days 2 Nights.
Okay lar, response asap people. Because it's already the mid of Oct and we need to book the Chalet by the end of this week, hopefully?
15 October 2007
In Summary...
Voices heard:
Jian: 14 Dec so that he can shun bian go for friend's party. Idiot.
Rong: 22 Dec so can celebrate early christmas [exchange presents etc? cool actually...]
Delon: (implied meaning) go ahead with the planning without him. If he can come, he come. If he cannot come, we enjoy without him. Am I right, Delon?
Lun: Last week of Dec out = any date but 28th Dec. Right?
So taking out 28th, we are left with 7th, 14th and 22nd.
14th has one vote, 22nd has one vote.
Now, I am going to make things more interesting...
I choose 7th Dec. Reason being: I only start work on 10th. And interns can't take leave. So any other dates, I will only join you guys on the saturday.
Judging from the tagboard, I think we have enough.
Jian can bring 1 Vodka. I can bring a 80% full Chivas (courtesy of Chay. my bday present from him). Mak can bring more Chivas. So we are kind of settled on alcohol. At most dump in few cans of beer in our shopping cart when purchasing BBQ food.
Can I suggest we dont make this so formalised? Spoil the whole fun element of it being a game. Abit like organising orientation camp already leh. Think of games, submit proposal, dry run, improvise. Yucks. I think we should just let it come when we are high. It will be more fun..
In fact, I don't trust anyone else with food other than myself. But having said that, it means more sai gang for me which I am not willing + no time to do. I suggest ordering from some BBQ catering to save us from all the trouble. Cos if we are at Chalet, we have to buy food from somewhere near. It means that:
1. we could spend the time to buy food to do something else, like cycling suntanning etc. You all should know how tuuu we are. That is ALOT of time actually.
2. We don't have time to marinate and it wouldnt be tasty at all.
Alternatively, we can buy from Sheng Shiong or wherever, marinate and prepare at home then bring down. But that would mean more work and we will need a car. And none of our cars are technically ours, it doesnt make sense for us to drive down to the chalet and park there for 2 days, depriving the actual car owners from using it. And also, it means more work. Buying, preparing etc.
I think Lun knows one caterer and I can find out another one. If the price is not alot more expensive than buying from supermarket, can I suggest we just order?
Oh yah, are the dates mentioned the nights or the days? As in is it a 3 day 2 night chalet or a 2 day 1 night one? If its 2d1n, Cdans ain't that bad. But if 3d2n, we will at least need a beach and a bicycle rental shop to prevent mushrooms from growing from our heads.
Okay, it doesn't sound like a summary anymore.
Anyway, I feel abit bad. Although abit late but happy birthday HuiJie! (:
Don't like the word belated. Happy adulthood!
12 October 2007
k i wan to join the alcohol and food committee...i think we should have this system...this outing who organise wat wat wat..then can have points...so end of the year we will tabulate the points and award the winner.maybe all of us will fork out money to give the winner a treat..like this then we will be motivated to organise outing...okieeeee...i can hear several voices(shiyin yu rong peg)....................................who will be as yao gui as jian.................
o yaaa..i can donate a bottle of vodka...peach...den dun worry not rasberry...this time round we try diff flavour...maybe the vomitus wil smell nicer..shiyin i still can remember how the vomitus is like...reddish pink..yi kuai kuai...long and sticky....*censored*
this is the first time of my life blogging...i have given to u guys...where is my reservation!.. yin u skiving again ar...everyday i see u online can chat can blog wo...ur boss is so kind..
tell u guys a story....the title is" i realli dunno wat girls are thinking abt"...
k the story goes like this..yest i purposely left my house half an hour earlier to ntu to have my lunch...as usual i took 172..transfer... 199...those got go ntu b4 should noe...i alighted frm 172...i carried my guitar my bag and books..7 girls and me crossed the road to the bus stop to wait fer 199..i was squeezed to the back of the bus stop..cos they were all standing in front of me..i look around...i see one of them putting make up...another one was browsing through her notes..one was using her laptop..the rest look at the sky...dunno see wat...maybe birds or birdshit la...then i saw the bus frm far...driving toward us...kk!! this is the part...e bus was errrrrr*engine sound*..the sound got louder...u noe wat...seven empty heads stare at the bus...and not a f***king hand flag the bus...can u imagine u see seven head looking at the bus...as it travel passed us..their head turn frm right to left and no one flag fer the bus...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my mama...wat are they thinking...??
After e bus drive passed us...this girl in front of me ask her friend...eh y u never flag...her friend reply...i tot the others will flag...everyone tot...realli everyone tot...so i also tot....and end up nobody confirm...and so i miss my lunch...mother pissed...i feel like throwing my slipper at them...well i am a gentleman..wo ren!! Bad day fer me...i have to eat my chicken rice in the lecture theatre and everyone was looking at me..like er gui...but i realli hungry...
well...there is always a moral fer a story...that is dun stand at the back of the bus stop..or i should say dun rely on others...especially NTU girls!!
JoNaThAn LiM JiAn WeI
Anyway, i don't really have an idea of what to say actually. But then, maybe we can talk about some major gathering? Like chalet at the end of this year??? Muahaha.
Okay lar i volunteer to be one of the organising committee members. First of all, i need people to help in areas i'm not familiar with.
1) I need someone who has got ntuc card or whatever discount card to book the chalet. I've just checked the reservation website. Below's the available date and chalet type.
I'm assuming everyone will be more free on weekends so it's all weekends slots. (Sat to Mon, so that we can have a whole day on Sat)
7-8 Dec : Pasir Ris Chalet
14-15 Dec : Pasir Ris Chalet
21-22 Dec : Pasir Ris and Downtown East
28-29 Dec : Pasir Ris, Downtown East and Sentosa
Thanks dude. Because my birthday chalet wasn't booked by myself either. Hahaha.
So, everyone pls vote on the date that you prefer. Majority wins. And most probably we would be getting Pasir Ris Chalet lar, based on the availability.
When the chalet is confirmed booked, the below will then be valid.
2) BBQ. Okay we will have BBQ as usual. I will be involved in the food committee. And i need 4 helpers. Volunteer!
3) Games. It's games which make us crazy all the time. I will never forget that night when everyone is tipsy while playing 'HU KE CHUAN ZHANG'!!! So, this shall involve everyone okay? Anyone can suggest games which you think will be fun! Again, i'll be coming up with a few games too because i love this! Wahaa!
4) Alcohol. 2-3 pax to be responsible for purchasing of alcohol. Pls do not get too much or too little. Too much leads to 'drunken fist' stunts and too little is not enough to knock everyone down! Okay lar, no more 'drunken fists' stunts this year okay. I promise. Muahahahahaaa.
5) Time, location and further informations will be supervised by me. So i will update informations on our blog when there are new ones.
At the end of the day, we will then calculate everything together at the chalet then divide by everyone okay. =) So pls bring enough cash too. Important huh.
Hopefully this will go smoothly.
You may start volunteering now! Pls be involved if you miss the fun we had together before! ^_^
23 July 2007
Greetings from Perth
I didn't know Citibank works on Sunday cos I received a call from them asking me about a debit card I applied a few months back at the Bukit Timah branch opposite Salvation Army.
1. Citibank is for the higher class and higher income so I don't think they have any debit card!
2. The bank opposite salvation army is Standard Chartered and not Citibank!!! You goon.
Ok, since I was fooled, I must be even stupider. But you know what, my first thought was that this conman is trying to con me for my account number and deep in my heart I was actually thinking "nah, you can't con me, you stupid conman."
Oh well..........................
Ok, stop reading in puzzleness. Mak called me on my HP on Sunday late afternoon. And yes, he tricked me, Blardy helll.
In a nutshell, he sent his regards to the gang and asked about you guys.
I told him everyone's good. Chay and Yirong are attached and his reaction was:
Hahaha, OMG, so funny.
Asked me the usual how they know each other kind of thing. So I told him what I know lah.
I told him about the massive turn out during my party. Our recent meet up to celebrate Lun and Delon's bday etc. Whatever that comes to my mind lah.
He said internet there is damn ex so he really has limited access. He borrowed his friend's access and wanted to blog but forgot our username and password and didn't want to waste his friend's money so didn't.
He said he just finished a SOLO - Something 2 days ago. [ok, chanhowe actually verified the solo-something but I forgot again. anyway, not important lah huh]
He said they are trying to get them back by 15 Dec but cos its winter now, the weather is quite bad, they don't get to fly so might be delayed.
He said he calls his gf everyday but calls home every week. [what a filial son! haha.]
He said everything's good there. He is alive and kicking.
He said his gf told him Jianwei commented on his friendster that he is buying a car and waiting for him to come back to drift together and ask me true anot. Haha. Jian you mean your lorry and his van drift together ah? HAHA.
I think thats about it lah. Thats all I can remember. He ended off with a "ok lah, I'm going to have dinner now. Send my regards to all of them."
The reason he called me was because he can only remember my number and Jianwei's old number off hand. But since he isnt sure if Jianwei's old number can still be used, he took the safer choice to call me instead. And probably he knows I am not someone who will go "wah lao, I must pay anot? hurry up say."
And I think calling from Perth is not ex. (Since he can call gf everyday) Cos my aunt in Perth calls my ah ma every other day just to talk one. So if you guys want, can subscribe a calling list with him and make him call you lah. haha.
Ok, so now we know everything's still kicking over there.
Alright, da gong gao cheng. I can go nurse my leaking nose now. Nights gangsters!
01 July 2007
The Cat--String Theory
The cat landed on the other side with a three and a half somersault, it turned its body around and made another attempt for the thread. This time, its attempt was even worse than the first—it paws managed to close in to 2 cm within its target BUT it only landed with only one somersault. The cat tried again…it jumped but failed…..it jumped higher but still failed…!! The process repeated as the persistent cat hangs on knowing that victory would eventually come.
Then Mr. Unknown decided to let go of the wool ball. The cat leaped onto the ball in a flash as the ball dropped onto the floor, it purred in satisfaction. Then suddenly, the cat gave the ball a hard push and walked away. The ball rolled around as the cat walked off; not once did it even turned its head back…
Ever heard of the cat-string theory? It is actually a theory that describes how a person lost interest in the things he craved so much for almost instantly after getting it. If there is a thing that affects me more than the heat this instant, it is the cat –string theory. The freedom and the relief that I yearned and craved when I left Maybank only lasted few minutes. It is like a surge of joy that rushed through your body, energizing you for a few minutes then after that it is like---“ like that loh!!”
Sometime, it make me wondered why the cat-string theory is so powerful that it affects many people. Is it because I am a tiger that I fall prey to the theory easily…maybe one day, someone who study Chinese zodiac could answer…
20 June 2007
nothing much. juz bored. =)
really kinda miss those days. n i really kinda miss mak. been mths since he flew. haha. n within months he will be back. haha. time really flies. by the time he's back, 10 months would have zoomed past us. =)
hmm.. i really miss u guys eh. was so glad we all got to catch up during peg's bday. =) n m really glad to see Chay n everyone else with the other half! its so amazing isnt it? i dunno. juz felt kinda warm seeing everyone sitting around the tables..its like a glimpse to the future.. when we will be attending each other's wedding sitting around such tables chatting too.. =)
hmm..nothing much le. sch's starting for me. so sian. haha. but no diff la. got lect, dun nid work, no lect, go for work, so its kinda the same lar. haha. hope u guys are coping well! update soon wor!
take care. byebye!
10 June 2007
The MayBank Story 2....
Chapter 4: The Zoological Garden
The train dashed into the station with a speed of an mrt train and came to a halt. The door opended, no one came out. Instead, everyone waiting at the station rush through the door and into the already packed little aluminium-steel alloy cabin. Just when i was feeling lucky to be able to squeeze into the last inches of avaible space, i felt a hand pushed me from behind. The push totally slammed and pressed my body against a office lady. Anger filled me, not because i blamed him for for not pushing me to my left instead, where a better looking mei nu was standing but by his super INconsiderate behaviour.
I turned around to have a good stare at him. He is an XX ( nothing racist...). If a GORILLA ever goes on a slimming regime, it will surely look somewhat like him--try to imagine, its not that hard! Then he tried to reach for the hand-pole despite standing at the door. That positioned his armpit right next to my face!! After studying Biology and animals evolution for so many years, i have heard of some gorilla eating fish but never had i heard of gorilla " SELLing FISH "!!
The train pulled to a slow halt at Jurong East station( taking a straight train to pasir ris ). I thought that he will alight there. Afterall, its common knownledge that the MANDAI ZOO is somewhere ard the jurong area. But he didn't. Of all the break related words in the dictionary, none seemed as real as "Zoo-break"--Damm, A Gorilla is on the loose!
Kicking the gorzilla aside, the train actually has a few swans around, swans that flies around wearing the tag " from SP". There were also ppl that dressed a little too "outstanding". Guess these are the peacock, attracting attention via visual appeal. Its was no longer a train ride to work, its was a TOUR on a moblie ZOO!!
Final chapter: The End
I am probably writing these 3 weeks in advance but i feel no different if i were to do so later. For the past 10 weeks at MayBank, i learned lots of lesson and came to realise one thing...
Using analogy...MayBank is just like a big wolf bearing its teeth at me. Its razor-sharp teeth reflecting the toughness of the outside world, its saliva filled with the acidity and kindness of human nature. Dark and towering, it stand guarding its lair, its home--a place called SOCIETY. If you can't get past it then you are unable to enter the place behind-its that simple!
With friendship as my shield and family as my weapon, i know that getting past the stupid wolf will not be a big deal. 3 more weeks and the wolf will be slained!!
In glory, people bask. In battle, people fight. In adversity, people GROW. For me, i felt that i have grown a little. Things that i want become clearer and friendship become dearer. Maybe, what our parent said were right--you cant mature till you go outside and work and see for yourself the big picture.Haha, hope i got matured abit at least :)
Gonna end the post with a phrase i liked.
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.." by William Shakespears
*If someone called you "toot" and said you are studious looking then i guess you can called her an ape and said that she is human looking...( for those who understand )
#Learning the song "Hao Xin Hao Bao" now. Find it very nice but just manage past the first paragraph...
$Extending my apologises to ppl that i might have offended in my post!
@Nowaday, have been doing things which i had did in the past that can be hurtful......
By author: MrGinsengRooster.
The GANG book of records
For the record breaking attendance last evening!
For the record breaking number of couples in the gang!
Lun, Den, Huijie! HURRY! Don't be the last one!
You all really super give me face. Damn touched.
PS: Sorry hor, the offer I gave to Rong and Chay has long long expired. Don't starting coming after me for your holiday package and what not. HAHA!
01 June 2007
The MayBank Story...
Chapter 1: The devil fire
The second hand hit 12, it was 6.10pm. 300 more "tick" of the second hand and it would be game over. i was READY, very single muscles cell was ready to dash out of the door when a pile of application forms was smacked onto my table. "please rush these for me, thanks!" was what i heard if u exclude the "bang" sound when the forms hit the table. The U on my face changed to n instanlty.
Thats what happened on most of my days in MayBank. Working OT is nothing if i were to say, what matters is the fact and the thought that you are still earning 5 bucks an hour even in OT!!! The more u think about it, the more unsettled and frustrated u become. Its like a devil fire burning from deep within and is straining my mental limts to the extreme!! Sometime i really like just tearing the application form to shreds, don give a damm, and just take off but the word "responsibilty" is like a 1000kg leg chain holding you back.
My mum told me not to play with fire when i was young but now a devil fire resides deep within. i have no ideas how to pull it out but i am sure i will soon....
Chapter 2: The two words killer.
I was becoming more sian at Maybank with each passing days. My "sianness" reaches its peak when i heard the story of a guy whose first name was ONG and last name was JIE...One fine monday afternoon after having a good lunch and rest over the weekends, jie feel so motivated and energetic that he think he could stop 100 rampaging bulls. He told himself, "i could do it, man! "
He paused to check his workload after rushing for a couple of hours and yes, he on track to finish his work before 6pm. just when he thought he should slow down a little, a lady walk over and dump another stack of application on his table. "Aiyah! just rush finish the existing applications and try to do as much of the new appl. as possible till 6.15pm" he thought, afterall he was so motivated that he can stop 100 bulls.
But all it took was 2 words from the lady to kill and piss him off....' BY TODAY!!' The energetic guy was totally beaten when he heard the two killer words, not because the lady that said it isnt a chiobu but the fact that the two words is make up of 101 rampaging bull compact and squeeze into them--1 more than what he can handle.
Chapter 3: The stretcher
The colleauge are generally nice and friendly people but then there is this thing called the stretcher in the bank. Not those stretcher use by the ST JOHN, stretcher here refer to a group of people witht the ability to stretch an hour work to 2 and a half hours. i really give it to these guys man, afterall they can be sit and reach champion anytime, anyplace, anywhere!!! Fake Fake look ocuppied and very busy at times till the clock hit 6.15pm. If you can see them still working 15mins past 6.15pm, faster look out of the window, A pig is FLYing over the rainbow.
To sum the whole experience in maybank so far up, i ended up with a sentence...
By author: MrFtheMaybank.
19 May 2007
It has been real long since we've had a real good gathering with great attendance, i guess the last one was on my party? Keke... i'm so looking forward to peg's party now~! I bet she must be damn excited, just like me last time. Wahaa.
So what have the guys been doing while waiting for school to start? Better be doing something useful like working part-time jobs yah.. don't be lazy like den lin. Heh.. just kidding la ah den!
And i'm here to announce that actually lun has quite a nice voice yah... it's only during the last few times at chevrons when i could really hear him sing~~~ lun must be very high now..... HAHA.
I hope everyone is not forgotten by everyone!..... ??? nvm, read slower and u'll get it!
Tc all my dearest!!!
Ah yin.
20 April 2007
Hehe. I'm here to make a little advertisement, at the same time fill up the empty spaces here. I recently picked up the interest on making earrings, if you haven't known. Set up a site today so feel free to go browse for some additions to your jewellery collection, gifts for your girlfriends, friends, sisters, cousins, mothers, grandmothers etc k? Or simply just go check out the blog I've painstakingly created for some therapy. Would love it if you could help me spread the word too! *blow kisses*
Becasue you all are my great gang, I'm willing to give an additional 10% discount. And if you are a reader of purplepeg, you are entitled another 20% if you have seen the requirements on my blog [for that you have to refer to my blog! discounts don't come so easy. haha!] That means to say that as a member of this gang, I am giving up to a total of 30%, 10 for being the gang + 20 if you can give me the requirement I stated on my blog.
Check it out at http://retail-the-rapist.blogspot.com/
I am still an amateur in this area. I would appreciate friendly feedbacks but don't be harsh on me lah. hahaha. Comments about my creativity on the name is welcomed too. Hahaha. Shit, damn bhb.
Ok, thats about it. Anyway, has anyone heard any news about Mak since he left? I hope he is still alive lah. I hope I didn't miss some news on the TV or papers when I was mugging. hahahaha. ok kidding lah. Really wondering how is he and stuff. So if he contacted anyone, do share k?
And when is our mahjong session huh? If I arrange it on a weekday who can? Haha. I only got up til 1st May before I start internship, if dont play then I don't know when liao. QUICK QUICK!
PurplepEg - Your Retail theRAPIST.
(yes, your rapist. I just thought it was fun to break up the word. hee.)
28 March 2007
23 March 2007
so long dint really talk, how are u? jia you jia you jia you! can only say jia you n rest more~~ =))
its been a while for us, really, like peg mentioned.
if confirmed, mak is leaving next week already. can we die die bid farewell to him, cos it'll be a long 10 MONTHS before we get to see this friend. when he returns, either he's more handsome or ruggard or has more lines on his forehead, we dunno.
since he's leaving, shall we make an effort to send him off at the airport if its a night flight?? Fri NiGht you all can??
or if not, next weeknight, who can make it on tues or wed? which day better?
im leaving thurs out as it is the last day before he flies, im sure he'd wanna spend with family + dog+ gf, unless we go his house 'chou re nao'~
so can we fix a day soon n plan something? guys pls respond and let me know kk~~~~
22 March 2007
Hello Dead Town
I just had a short chat with Ms Sim and everytime we talk, after asking about me, she will ask me "How's Mak they all?" Well, I know the "they all" refers to you all.
I realised I couldn't really answer her question other than tell her that Mak is flying soon for 10 months. Then I continued by telling her that we have been so busy with our own lives that we hardly meet up now.
Sad, but true.
I wish the next time Ms Sim or anyone asks me the same question, I have so much to say that he/she will be listening to me for the next hour or two until she cannot stand me and ask me to stop. Haha.
So, how's everyone? A little update about myself, I have been real busy for these few weeks over project datelines, tests and upcoming exams. If you have read my blog, I stayed in school to from 1pm to 3am on a Sunday (the same Sunday HJ jioed for Marche). Thats how bad it can get. We've got so much things on hand and have no choice but to be last minute. And I haven't had time to come visit my Ah Ma that I decided to bring all my notes and whatever over to study so that I can sort of visit them at the same time. I haven't been spending quality time with Chan Howe as well so forgive me if I got no time to meet up with you guys.
Undergraduates live by weeks. Its week 12 of the school term. Week 15 is exam week and after that its holidays. Mak is not going to wait for me to finish exam but you all will still be around for me to catch up on, right?
To you guys out there, I'm getting abit emo now, I hope ALL of you are getting on fine with your life.
To fellow undergrads, press on and jia you. The hols are coming.
To the working class, its never easy but strive on, for the better of your life and future.
To the operational ready (what does D stand for?) people, just work enough to live properly and enjoy whats left of pre-uni life.
To the NSmen, it will be over soon and enjoy your 11 benefits to the fullest.
To the one flying off, I hope our schedules allow us to meet up once before you go. But if really cannot, I'm wishing you all the best and we will miss your presence.
06 March 2007
IT show
22 February 2007
Dinner on Sat

This is the location of Ting Yuan, drawn according to my memory. If you don't trust, the link to streetdirectory search result of Liang Seah Street is here. We can meet at Bugis and go there together actually. This is for late comers and those who decides to pop by for a surprise. Haha.
I didn't make reservation cos 5 person should be easy. (And becasue I lost their number lah. Haha!) I dunno if they sell yu sheng cos sat is chu 7. Just nice. If have then we lo hei ok?
For those who are not coming, I think you are losing out big time. This is the best steamboat buffet I ever had in singapore. After I tried this place, I never visit marina south, chong qing or tian tian anymore although those places are cheaper. And coupled with great company, what more can you ask for? Haha.
Alrighty! See you guys.
11 February 2007
Apologies for letting the fact that Den and Lun cannot go people's house bai nian slip my mind.
So we eat out? I even happier. Haha. No need to prepare and wash up. Eat already, pat pat backside can go. Hehe.
And hor.. can we have it on Saturday instead? Which days you all have problems with actually?
Do get back k!