08 January 2006

Wo Shi Wil, Ni Shi Jil, Neng Bu Neng Yi Qi Chill...

Hey.. good morning!

whoa, i don't know for what reason, there's this Wilber's Pan song that is stuck in my head since yesterday.. in fact, i think i have been dreaming of the entire song through the night ar.. woke up with a slight headache and felt like my brain didn't even rested like that... the strange thing is i don't know the title of the song.. anyone can help? hahaha... this is how it goes..

"Just tell me wei she me, yan shen you hua yao shuo, shi bu shi ni xiang yao ren shi wo, tou tou de kan kan ni, yao rang wo deng duo jiu, ai jiu ai, bu yao you man dong zhuo.."

hahaha.. okok, time to respond to old posts..

but before i do, i would just like to say, "Hey Shiyin, only 2 days after u blog and u want people to respond ar? haha.. that time when i was in australia, the blog can be untouched for 5, 6 days one leh.. hahaha... now you know how it feels eh? hahaha..."

ok, to the more emergency ones first.. Chay, i always gargle my mouth with salt water when i got ulcer.. its works for me.. i never heard of the wtermelon frost thing before though, so i don't know what it is.. for the salt water method, just make a concentrated salt water solution, then use it to rinse your mouth.. do not attempt to drink it, unless you hope to be a member of a large and rich organisation.. hahaha.. The "NEW" NKF.. hahaha...

ok, next up..

Some people may have a list of criteria of their perfect partner and wouldn't get attached before he/she can find someone who fits all criteria. That, to me, is not being realistic at all.

haha.. i know shiyin quoted Peggen on this phrase before.. i just wanna re-quote it again.. hahaha, coz similarly to shiyin, i thought this was directed at me when i first read it.. i thought it was meant to be an attack on Sheh Shi Man and how i wanted a girl like Sheh Shi Man..

well, i was not surprised to see that Shiyin thought it referred to her.. in fact, i would think that many other people in this group, even in this world, would be "guilty" of that "unrealistic-ism" that Peggen accuses of..

Notice i use inverted commas with the word guilty.. because i dun really think its a wrong thing to set a criteria for a life partner.. it is alright to only get attached when you realise that a guy / girl is the one for you, and the only way to knoe he / she is the one for you is to set a criteria.. just like you need examinations to assess that you understand what you studied...

now, i can almost see Shiyin grinning in front of her computer, saying to herself, Whoa, here it goes again.. Another hot "REBATE" coming le..

hahaha.. hey, please.. anyone or everyone, please join in this "REBATE" if you have a stand on this issue.. feel free to give your opinion on this ok?

perhaps the old me, 2 years ago, was the kind of guy that didn't believe in setting criteria.. i will be open about this lar huh.. hope no one will mind.. ok, see.. even jian wei has mentioned before that all my ex-girlfriends, or even those i tired to woo, vary very much in shape, size, character, personalities and a person as a whole...

there is the "short short, cute cute, quiet quiet, play clarinet" type, "long long, sexy sexy. loud loud, play netball" type, "short short, pretty pretty, elegant elegant, public speaking type", "average average, quiet quiet, mature mature, some band major" type to the "short short, cheerful cheerful, jie ying looking (yucks), councillor" type..

hahaha.. i dun know how to say it, but everytime jian wei teases me about it, i just feel that he madde it sound like a 10-course dinner at a wedding.. hahaha... but hey, i don't have 10 ex-girlfriends ar..

in the past, all i believed in was the BIG word, FEELING...

i thought that if this girl comes along, i feel something for her and she feels something for me, thats a start... then if i am happy being with her, and she is with me, thats even better... like what jonathan said too, what matters is that both people are happy with each other..

see, what i didn't realise is that, this whole "feeling" thing, this entire "being happy with each other" factor, is in fact, the END RESULT of ACHEIVING ALL of the criteria..

think about it, how else can u rate the always-talked-about "happiness between couple"? how do you judge that "oh yes, i am very happy now.."?

ah hah.. see, actually, all of us, every single one of us, already has a criteria set inside of us, and in a handphone analogy, our brain, heart, eyes are automatically scanning the network for potential signals to give us better connectivity..

only when the service provider meets all our requirement, like the price of the plan, the free SMS given, the reception etc.. then only we can be happy with the company..

so, my first point, who doesn't have a criteria?

the answer is, everyone does..

i quote, I certainly have met a number of people who fits certain criteria of my perfect partner but fall short of some. My point is that, it is not possible to find someone so perfect who can let you check all your boxes of your definition of perfect, without any shortcomings you can't stand.

what i think is that when you can be happy to accept that guy / girl as a steady partner, he / she has already met your criteria, regardless of how much you think he hasn't, regardless of how much shortcomings you think he has, he has already made it to the requirement deep in your heart.. i think, what you really feel and what you really say is always a different, or not totally the same.. just like i am not sure my words now can explain what i think exactly or not..

for example, i may always complain to my friends, "haiyah, my girlfriend very sticky ar.. everyday must report to her.. book out from NS but book in to another "Army" camp, report to another "Sergeant Major" ar..." my friends will all see this "stickiness" as a shortcoming of my girlfriend, something that i dislike about her.. but hey, if i can like her, love her, this may probably be one of the things i like about her.. i may propably enjoy her "stickiness".. it can also mean that this factor is not crucial to me, and is not set in my criteria.. "sticky" or "slippery" also never mind.. and it just happens that she is the "sticky" kind, but i can still accept her..

hahaha.. and in conclusion, this chapter has brought out a few other laws, comparable to Newton's Law, Murphy's Law and Boyle's Law..

Introducing, Mak's Law on Theory of Relationship..

1. everyone has a criteria set for their life partner.. that is only natural..

2. happiness is a result of acheiving that criteria

3. nobody will ever accept someone with a shortcoming to that criteria.. no one..
by accepting a big flaw (e.g. late-coming), you have only simply removed "punctuilty" from your criteria. Therefore, the 1st law and the 3rd law remains true..

ok, now shiyin's turn... hahahaha..

hmmmm.. actually, i hate to admit it, but yar you are right.. actually, now, i have no or very little confidence in getting a girlfriend.. haha.. one is due to the 'my last 2 consecutive pursuits that ended up in rejection and "got toyed around by a little girl" respectively..' hahaha.. the other reason is that my criteria is set and i can't find that girl yet.. quite simple criteria leh, but she hasn't appear yet.. i only want a Sheh Shi Man.. haha, not very difficult right? but Peggen is right, criteria changes with time.. see how ar.. now, its still sheh shi man.. another reason is that i dun wanna find a relationship that will result in a break up.. meaning, my next girlfriend will most probably be my wife.. hahaha.. so must choose properly.. i have 10years to go to reach the "stable, affordable" stage to get married.. 3650 days to find.. hahaha..

but dun worry, i wun hit on your sister .. hahaha.. your sister too smart liao, hahaha.. later everyday "REBATE" with her ar.. haha, "rebate" nevermind, but i sure will lose the "rebate" one.. and that will be damn sian... hahaha... Hey! but your cousin can consider.. yesterday u said she quite tall right? figure like peggen ar? but face not like right? haha.. like that can consider liao.. hahaha..

hahaha.. folkdance.. alwasy so emotional during folkdance night in Kranji.. my hands are firm ar? thats good right? haha.. imagine a guys hand without any strength or firmess.. EEEeeee... hahaha.. i could remember my dance partners too! hahaha.. i danced with Mui Hwee, Peggen, Muliyanni, Jamahliah and (EEeewww) Jie Ying before.. as in, not talking about the chane partners kind lar.. but like fixed partner dances, i got dance with these people before.. still remember, dun know Sec1 or 2 that time, when i was dancing with Jie Ying, then she suddenly cry and got depressed.. scare me till shitless.. then in the end, i found out she got hurt because i commented that the dance was stupid.. she thinks that i scolded her stupid.. and as usual, when girls are crying, their entire gang will declare war on the guy.. hahaha.. still remembered how yirong, cindi, mui hwee, irene teo, shiyin, siewyu and company all like outcast me for the next few hours.. hahaha..

but thankfully, with my amazing charisma, charming looks, i managed to woo them back and hey, we are still friends throughout kranji times.. hahaha...

although i din get a chance to explain myself to jie ying, but who cares.. hahaha, somehow im glad she got the wrong message.. hahaha.. stupid...

mr. andy kong is a damn nice PE teacher.. haha.. but u must really know how to behave in front of him.. he is a man of extreme discipline and rules his lesson by military standards.. which i felt was damn good.. haha, i could remember he scolding me for saying "yar"... he would go, "No, not yar, say yes." haha.. then i could still remember that in his class, he will keep a few of his pet students and give them privelleges.. think me, yen fang, peggen got power in his PE class in sec3 and 4.. whenever we make requests sure can get one.. but we also ensure we get his demands met.. hahaha.. damn nice.. i think mr andy kong is really a good teacher..

i think in kranji, the teachers i cannot stand is Mr Siah and Ms Serene Lai.. hahaha.. they should get married together ar.. both are darn sarcastic, not very understanding, and quite self-centered people.. tsk tsk... they spoil kranji ar.. hahaha..

ok.. done le..

hmm.. yar, peggen, who so daring call u a flirt ar? hahaha.. but this kind of things is like that one.. if you are not, then please dun be affected by what others say.. that goes for al of you... live your own life the way you want it.. do not be affected by people's comments...

ping ri bu zhuo kui xin shi, ye ban qiao men ye bu jing.. hahahah! opps, maybe use a bit wrongly.. haha.. haiyah, suppose to mean don't be affected by it lar.. hahaha...

i learnt a new proverb in australia.. teach you all ok? hahaha.. because it makes a lot of sense and now i try to make it one of my life principles.. its in chinese, and it only goes to show how beautiful our language is, our refined our culture is and all.. i am proud to be a chinese, a chinese singaporean..

wu yi shan xiao er bu xing, wu yi er xiao er wei zi.

direct translation: don't because the good deed is small and not do it, don't because the evil deed is small and thus do it..

can understand?

quite nice right? it made me think about how i lived my life in the past and all.. things that i overlooked, and the small evil pranks i thought was alright to play.. hahaha..

tell u all a secret ok? secret.. in the past, i used to hate this person soooooo much, that when he goes for recess, i would go to his table, and set up a bobby trap.. i would uncap his water bottle to the point when it will burst open once he touch the bottle.. hahahaha.. i did it many times, but saw it worked only 2, 3 times.. coz after that, he became smart and held the water bottle up with his finger on the cap.. hahaha... wu yi er xiao er wei zi... now must change..


now, a modified version.. i modified this in australia, giving it a singaporean touch to this beautiful proverb.. and this phrase goes out specially to my good friend, Den Lin.. hahaha.. Den, the ti ko peh.. hahahaha... just kidding lar...

wu yi na xiao er bu teh, wu yi na da er teh zi....
direct: dont because the bre**t small and not squeeze, dont because the bre**t big and thus teh.. hahahaha...

meaning, dun be choosy... hahahaha... milk is not every thing in this world.. it is only crucial to babies and may be old people.. hahaha.. alter your criteria, or else i will ask neo li lin to call you.. hahahaha..


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