28 December 2005

Great Dog

Hey! hahaha..

thats a damn great picture! at least the dog "looks more like a dog" compared to the previous one, which I thought look very much like a soft toy..

this picture depicts new life! and is a lot of new lives! A great way to welcome the new year as this picture represents the new hope that is awaiting us in the coming new year! By showing the mother nursing the puppies, it means to say that we will all be nurtured and groomed into a better person than before, getting stronger and livelier each day, learning and growing as the time goes by... Look at the light gleaming in the mother's eyes, and you can simply feel that a Mother's Love is totally unconditional, never-ending and with no strings attached.. She feels hope and tries to visualise the future of her pups, and from the smile on her big mouth, the future seems to be bright and beautiful...

the bowl of food placed nearby the dogs is filled with food, ready for the mother anytime.. This only goes to represent that as we grow up and enter the stage of adulthood, we are learning how to fight for our own survival, our own livelihood, our independance.. We have slowly, but surely, start to earn our own dough.. slowly, but surely, we are starting to become dependant on ourselves, having the ability to feed ourselves instead of asking for money from our parents.. yet, as the picture also shows, no matter how cute the puppies are, how they may grow up to be great dogs and pedigree of the canine world, we should and we must, never forget to feed the mother.. Our mum has gone through a lot of pain and sufferings to see us into this world, nurturing us into what we are today.. And as we start to become capable, we must not forget to be fillial and do our best to repay them, despite the fact that I feel its almost impossible to do that..

finally, last but not least, by showing that healthy, pink, swollen nipples of the dog, it signifies great health to come in the new year! Everybody will be in the pink of health, free of illness and diseases, safe from terrorists and criminals.. the people who are fated to fall in love will fall in love and enjoy a great relationship that is hopefully, once and for all.. those who are not going to fall in love will enjoy great friendships and family love that will only be stronger as the year moves on.. since none of us are married, i don't think those nipples will mean great sex life for us.. unless, of course, you guys are no longer as old fashioned and traditional as I am, and you are all for pre-marital sex, or worse, casual sex..

hahaha.. if thats the case, please read up on biology textbooks to learn how to avoid getting sexually trasmitted diseases.. the numbers of people getting AIDS are increasing as years go by too, with Asian countries leading the trend.. Our country is becoming more and more open socially.. Sometimes I wonder if its the age, or maybe its due to the food, but the raging hormones are dying to express themselves.. I am sure I am not the only one feeling it and definitely, people of all genders will feel it as they reach this age of high fertility.. but trust me, this moment of sheer willpower and strength to say no definitely should, can and will be worth it..

i once read that men think about sex once every 6 seconds.. according to me, this is not true in its raw state.. i mean, if that statement is based on average, maybe like 4 hours per day, then it may be true.. but definitely not every 6 seconds as in every 6 seconds.. damn, i spend about 60 seconds looking at the canteen auntie in my camp cook the wan ton mee when i order it.. she is about the size of a sumo wrestler and her voice sounds like a man.. if i think of sex in that 60 seconds.. Awww.. forget that.. i never never think of sex in that 60 seconds, and maybe even the next 60 minutes, as i let the image die down first..

anyway, enough crap said.. i still have to go to work tomorrow... time to go to bed now..

not before i say "Good night!" to my darling Sheh Shi Man, whom I have know idea where she is now.. haha.. aint' nowhere in the globe i'd rather be, ain't no one in the globe i'd rather see, than the girl of my dreams that made me be, so happy but now so lonely.. hahaha..

good night guys!


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